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Quick find code: 429-430-239-66004732

Jul Member 2014


Posts: 352 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Biggest complaints about the OSRS beta are:

Problem: there is no easy way to chat within the clan without being on the clan chat tab
fix: maybe making a keyboard that is specific in game?

Problem: no easy way to respond to friend.
Fix: make a soft button the the side of the chat box that simulates the tab function like on desktop

Problem: No homeworld when initially logging in.
Fix: Similar to desktop have a world that you designate before logging in so it puts you in that assigned world upon starting the app.

27-Sep-2018 23:45:17

Alt Content

Alt Content

Posts: 3 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I have never had this issue with Old School Runescape mobile before. Even in beta stages, but now its happening all the time. I would be playing OSRS Mobile and would get a text or snapchat etc. go to my messages reply go back to OSRS and my account would still be logged in and playing as if i didn't leave because i never closed the app. It's technically still running in the background like many other apps. Recently about 4 days ago when i go to another app for even 30 seconds i get two different errors codes. i know its not my connection because like i said it has never happened before. Was wondering if anybody else was having this problem?

28-Sep-2018 21:54:58



Posts: 1 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
When using magic, the mobile has no auto-cast feature. Also, there is no way to view what runes are required to cast a spell.

Prayer has a similar issue, where you cannot view the specific effects of the prayers.

29-Sep-2018 02:07:00



Posts: 966 Gold Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Hello, long time on and off player of RuneScape here. First off let me thank you for allowing me to beta test. I am enjoying the experience of playing old school RuneScape from a fresh character very thoroughly. It's almost identical to playing on a PC. The only thing that I would like to see is the buttons be able to be reversible so that way I can play as a left-handed player.
I.* the bag button is on the left side of the screen vs the right. doesn't have to be anything fancy you can keep all the side the same I like the way they're set up I just would think that it would be more enjoyable to have the controls reverse a little bit

01-Oct-2018 21:34:14



Posts: 6 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Hi, I don't know if this is possible, but when switching between cellular data and wifi while logged in, the client says lost connection, but eventually it gets it back and continues like normal. When switching between wifi and cellular data, the client immediately goes to the login screen, and you have to wait for the account to log out to get back in. Would it be possible to have the client be able to switch from wifi to cellular data similar to how it switches from cellular data to wifi?

02-Oct-2018 16:33:13



Posts: 4 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Minor feedback, but a very annoying one. When im doing farm runs, i clean my herbs and use them on the leprechaun. Mid run (running from the patch to the leprechaun after using the herbs on him from a distance) i hold click him again to efficiently press the "exchange" option and withdraw a bucket as soon as i note my herbs.

The problem with the mobile verion of doing this, is that as soon as the herbs get noted (if i manage to open the option box in time of noting the herbs), the right-click box either dissapears or moves to a completely different place on the screen.

Further, would it be possible to add a feature to select favorite "left-click" options on mobile? Like if i click a banker, it banks, or if i click the leprechaun it enters the exchange menu. I dont know the viability of this.

Thank you.

02-Oct-2018 20:25:52

Indy Ju

Indy Ju

Posts: 1,786 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Currently there is no way to view which runes are required for a particular spell via the spellbook interface.

A single press shows the runes required for a split second whilst a long press simply opens the right click interface to either cast the spell or cancel.

Perhaps if the runes required for a spell aren't available the interface showing the required runes should be brought up until the next click?
at something is the first step to being
sorta good
at something.

04-Oct-2018 08:53:31

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