Minor feedback, but a very annoying one. When im doing farm runs, i clean my herbs and use them on the leprechaun. Mid run (running from the patch to the leprechaun after using the herbs on him from a distance) i hold click him again to efficiently press the "exchange" option and withdraw a bucket as soon as i note my herbs.
The problem with the mobile verion of doing this, is that as soon as the herbs get noted (if i manage to open the option box in time of noting the herbs), the right-click box either dissapears or moves to a completely different place on the screen.
Further, would it be possible to add a feature to select favorite "left-click" options on mobile? Like if i click a banker, it banks, or if i click the leprechaun it enters the exchange menu. I dont know the viability of this.
Thank you.
02-Oct-2018 20:25:52