Guess I put this here but far too much of this game is behind the members pay wall to the point it kicks you in the teeth for not being one. Want to make arrows well tough what runecrafting better be happy doing the slowest one even slower and not craft the ones you will want. Ya that armor that makes you better at life skills you don't get it. Yes I am a npc that needs help and or will help you in making the game easier but aw we don't have your money. Shame. Oh well now go away.
Giving how powerful weapons and armor are and the fact so much fun stuff is paywalled it is little more than a demo to play free but the demo keeps telling you "oh you could just pay us money to fix the problem." all I can say to that is "wow I forgot runescape was the first fallout 76. Pay to fix the problems put in the game.
Oh and I see it coming "you just raging. Get good. It is only X money. Don't like don't play. It is not pay to win only pay to get a massive advantage over non-paying. Well you can earn it in game." and I will hit them in order. No I am not raging it is 3am I am too tired to even get mad. Get good is all ways an extremely poor response and is a dead meme. 1 penny a year is still pay to win. Yes because telling everyone to like it or leave is great for keeping your game alive. Gaining any form of advantage that activly aids you in beating other people is pay to win. Other wise why are boxers, racers, ect not paying to get a metal glove or spiked tire after all It is not pay to win only pay for advantage. Earning in game only works if the price stays the same is doable without having to spend all or most time grinding for the next one and people are actually willing to sell one. There is a very easy way to solve that problem but not sure if anyone will care to hear it.
16-Nov-2019 14:07:24