Runescape Design a God Competition 2016
Name: Kara-Meir
Faction: Godless
Symbol: Godless Faction Symbol
Color: Grey, Brown
Power Level: Inexperienced God (Tier 5)
Background: When Tuska came, Kara was not representing the Godless at the battle, instead observing her faction’s actions elsewhere. The Godless had sent a small expedition, Kara included, into the depths of Daemonheim, hoping to discover something to give them an advantage against the Gods. They had hoped to discover the source of the Rift, which is believed to be an area where the boundaries between dimensions are weak. In the depths of that forsaken place, they found what they were looking for. On the lowest floor of Daemonheim, the Godless found 6 Dragonkin skeletons, one still clutching a large hammer. When Kara picked up the hammer, she couldn’t have known that it was an Elder Artifact. It had been known to the Dragonkin as the Hammer of Ful, and had been used to help forge the boundaries of Gielinor itself. Upon picking up the Elder God’s tool, Kara started her slow ascension to Godhood: a secret she hopes to keep. For her, the path is clear: to destroy a God, one must become a God. And no one has to know but her.
Author’s Note: I feel like this may be something of an unconventional entry. Kara-Meir is an already existing character in the Runscape Universe, after all. However: I always liked how she would point out the hypocrisy of the Gods (Sarodomin preaches peace, yet goes to war, Zamorak preaches chaos, but does exactly what he has already done, etc.) What better way to make Kara a hypocrite herself than to turn her into a God, and have her hope that no one finds out?
29-Nov-2016 21:59:43