Upon being touched, Kobalos awoke and seized the opportunity to obtain a new body, seeing that the goblin was of very early child, transferred his energy into the pre-mature infant. Mutating and changing, Kobalos had to deeply suppress all his past memories, including where he came from and who he was. Upon being born he was immediately shunned and mistreated because of his different appearance and grew to hate his goblin family and was named (Kaboto) Leafgrinder , being raised in the Garagorshuun tribe. At age 16 he ran away into the forest, where he saw a vision that opened him to the next chapter of his life. He saw an faint and nearly transparent echo of Bandos, that told him that he was his son. And it was his destiny to lead his armies should his Chosen Commander fail in the coming years, at first he rebelled, but over many years he took up his fathers banner and after Bandos returned Kobalos fought extremely hard in his mortal body against the Armadyleans. He eventually returned his name back to Kobalos and launched his own religion Kobalosianism, and founded Grómhold, the City of Bandos. A home for all ex-Bandosians and Kobalosians to flourish near Hemenster and the Plane of Mud. Kobalos has shown to be a pentical of power and has achieved many great feats. By his followers he is believed to be a T5.5 god or around that general area. Kobalos has even called a Prophet, named Hawkoz. After the same order of his father Bandos who called prophets.
I have a couple different pages I'd like to cite that further show off Kobalos.
http://rsroleplay.wikia.com/wiki/Kobalosianism - The Religion.
http://rsroleplay.wikia.com/wiki/Kaboto_Leafgrinder - The Character in-game. (Note that this page is old and slightly out of date, also it would only losely hold true to the actual God Kobalos since this was the in-game character of him for Roleplaying.)
Thanks so much for taking time to read my entry.
16-Nov-2016 22:15:21
- Last edited on
17-Nov-2016 05:57:52
I'm not a plastic artist and english is not my mother language but i will give my best efforts to pass you my idea.
I suggest a new god based in Janus, the god of beginnings, transitions, time, passages, and endings in the roman mythology.
The name for the god i suggest is Janago, god of time. The power of this god consists in knowledge. he can see the past and predict the future or "possible futures". her head consist in two half heads combined, a young one turned into the future and a old one looking to the past.
The image i send is just a poor illustration of my thoughts, maked of in game images..
if i know how to do that i add some fancy crown and a sceptre.
this god in my idea concept is wearing a white robe half divided with two fronts, with some shine color trimmed, has two right hands (one turned to each side).
In my idea this is a peacefull god and the image of the god it self don't contain two good/bad opposite personalities. is just like a balance.
@ Hawkoz, here you go -
@ Softboy 2007, only images posted on Imgur are supported by the forums, at the moment.
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Thieves guild layout redesign.
Happy ‘scaping
I Introduce;
(Pronounced No-Stal-Lia-Ion)
Nostaliagion has been with us all from the very beginning creating thoughts and memories within the game which will always pull us back. He is the creator of "Nostalgia". Of course of people know of our lord and saviour Nostaliagion, the influence of his Nostalgia could be weakened and therefore, he is very secretive, but don't worry, I will fill you in on the details.
There are many of us out there who come back time and time again to the lands of Gielinor because of this god. He wants us to embrace the memories we have once created and re-live them again, his grasp on us is large.
Nostaliagion has the body of a stop-watch symbolising the power of time he holds, in one hand a bronze kiteshield and the other a training sword. Nostaliagion is not one for combat and would be smited by another god should they have the chance. On top of his head, a party-hat, a iconic item which I imagine for me and many others is a symbol of wealth.
Nostaliagion takes his grasp on the players of Runescape by two means, one of which as mentioned before, is using extreme nostalgia to keep any in-habitats from leaving the realm. The other, wealth. When you have all the time in the world, there is no lack of gold. Nostaliagion is the one who places what us in-habitats know as "drops" or "loot". Have you ever wondered why the dragons in Gielinor carry a "Visage"? Or perhaps why do the Dust Devils carry a Dragon Chainbody, it's not like they can wear it?! Nostaliagion puts them there, he is the one who encourages our greed.
So just remember kids, rather than writing a letter to Santa this year, you should be addressing it to Nostaliagion. Heck, what's the point even writing a letter, he knows I am writing this about him. As.... W...e. Spea...k -=['j]'[]/'.#';'
(I am certainly no artist however I have attempted to create a image of the dreaded Nostaliagion)
PeperMintt, try posting that in the Solomons general store - or - suggestions forums. See what people think.
I like it and would buy it on SGS.
Check out
Thieves guild layout redesign.
Happy ‘scaping
This god has two personalities. Colorful, enthusiastic and insane, and dark, grim and sinister. His persona changes randomly. It could change in a minute, but it could very well take a month before his personality changes again. He dwells in his own realm. Which is known as
The Playground
. This realm is whatever Havarus Tor wants it to be. As Havarus Tor gets bored sometimes, he contacts mortals in Gielinor and makes them do awful and horrible things for his own amusement. He offers them great things in return which makes it a offer the mortals can't refuse. But there is always a catch. For example, he offers immortality, but what they don't know is he makes them terrible looking zombies or skeletons. So they always end up regretting the offer, which makes it all the more funny to Havarus as is his twisted humour.
"I am a part of you, little mortal. I am a shadow in your subconscious. You know me. You just don't know it yet."
- Havarus Tor
I hope you like my idea for this god! i personally thought Gielinor could use some madness!
(I did not make the art)
i found it on the internet and this is what my God could very well look like.
17-Nov-2016 15:22:23
- Last edited on
17-Nov-2016 22:05:44
Phantom Acid
Sise-Neg why'd you edit out the part where you said you didn't make that picture, but fealt it fit in well?
Check out
Thieves guild layout redesign.
Happy ‘scaping
oh this wasn't meant to happen. i wanted to put it on the bottom of my post but i somehow didn't paste it. thanks for notifying i will edit it right this time