
Abbey Road Studios Competition

Quick find code: 42-43-258-65966232

Oct Member 2015


Posts: 4 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
This track brings back the memories of me first playing Runescape. fighting my first ever boss, Agorath.
When I first started Vorago, I recognized the theme. I wasn't aware that both bosses shared a theme.
Agorath is well past me by now, but as i fight Vorago today, I always remember that first day.

16-Nov-2017 22:18:41



Posts: 100 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
RuneScape is such a grand adventure with such a diverse and amazing soundtrack. It is amazing to hear that it's getting the recognition that it deserves!

I will never forget the first time I heard "Return of Lucien". The way it took inspiration from "Temple Desecrated" and put the perfect exclamation point on a storyline that I had been following since back in 2004. You could tell that this was it; all of the trials I'd endured, all of things I had achieved with my character since the day I first created my account, it was all coming to an incredible conclusion in what was one of the most epic quests and battles of the time.

RuneScape has evolved a lot since 2011, and there have been some great moments, characters, and battles since then, but I believe that Ritual of the Mahjarrat will always hold a special place in my heart for how it perfectly brought together everything that made and makes the game great, and nothing brings back my passion for adventure like hearing what is in my mind the defining RuneScape music track.

While some people may play RuneScape with the music off, I have always greatly appreciated the work that goes into making RuneScape a beautifully sounding game. The adventure certainly wouldn't be the same without such a great soundtrack to fit the mood! Thank you for your brilliant work.

16-Nov-2017 22:32:21



Posts: 5 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
My favorite is Tzhaar City III, just after RS3 came up it was one of the tracks that absolutely fit and improve Tzhahar. A brilliant piece of music.

My second choice by far is Baroque, classical piece that recall good memories doing quests!

16-Nov-2017 22:41:18

FoulFowl UFO

FoulFowl UFO

Posts: 4,002 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Autumn Voyage is the one that got me to start playing.

It was in fourth/third grade, everyone was playing runescape.
I heard that track playing, and I instantly wanted to try it out

A great track to personify the start of your journey outside of lumbridge, and very likely get yourself killed by dark wizards on the final stretch to varrock, or by jailguards in draynor.

Both times this track was remastered, it still kept its beauty.

16-Nov-2017 22:44:02

Sep Member 2013


Posts: 307 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Emotion! Every time I hear it I am taken back to Runefest and it brings all the memories of friends made, jmod's met and just a great time overall. It will always have a place in my heart for the memories it brings.
Clue Scroll fanatic / Mod Kalaya FC Sergeant

16-Nov-2017 23:08:20

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