The Tower will Always be the music piece that will bring up many memories.
Way back, during the beta of RS2 (late 2003, early 2004), I tested the beta once in a while with my old main. At a given time, you guys released the music player and everything around it at that time.
At the tower building north of Ardougne, you could kill the chaos druids for their high herb drop. As farming didn't excist yet, they were one of the most used monsters for getting herbs. Plus, you needed to have a certain thieving level to enter the door. Since not everybody had the needed thieving level, I went there, as herblore (called herblaw in RSC) was my favorite skill.
I remember, when the music came online, I logged in on the beta, standing in Falador. The first song I remember I have heard was Fanfare 1, played in Falador. I went to Ardougne, to hear some more songs and to get to the druids.
As with many new things, not everything came on my pc (which had a bit off a laggy moment back then), so I didn't heard all the music. I came nearby the tower above East Arougne. Suddenly, a song started to play, and a very good one too!
I went to the music interface, and saw the title of the song: The Tower. I was so stuned, on hearing such a great song on a very great place on gathering herbs.
At this day, everytime I hear the song, I think of how great RS was during the beta testing. I remember on re-discovering RS again, with new improved graphics. The stunning views many people had on how much the game was improved compared to RSC graphics.
Plus, now we had music! Not only sounds of opening a door or growing 1 level in a skill, but real music!
17-Nov-2017 22:42:35