I'm glad corp beast and everything is coming back to osrs but one thing I don't like is the way some of the old content is returning. Is corp beast just a boss you go into like all other bosses without any requirements? I liked the summer quests that corp offered but of course this was because of summoning and if again summoning isn't an option, which I'm sure it is because you offered pets with artisan but it was voted no because of the stupid powerups they gave (a level 69 pet gives the same as a 99.....awesome!) I saw tons of great ideas for the pets but they just threw the whole idea out.....and it's sad artisan didn't pass....would have with the many great ideas to the changes people wanted. Anywho, the dragon defender should just be put in the warriors quild where it belongs. What's the point in getting a rune defender if you can just get a dragon one from pking rewards? If it requires u to sacrifice a rune defender then great. Also I'm not a fan of the defender being a reward from bounty hunter. Lots of slayer/pvm only people use defenders and it should be in it's original location as with the other defenders. Most of the stuff being brought back I would really like most of the quest to come with it (if they had any). I do want to see how the trade-post is coming along though.
14-Sep-2014 16:07:10