I am going to vote no no matter what you do to the shields, all this is going to do is ruin the things you put into osrs like the malediction and odium wards that will become alch value and I honestly don't want to see the DFS at alch price again. On top of this corporeal beast with its ludicrous drop rate of anything decent makes it 1 of the worst pvm money makers in the game just above Kalphite Queen and just below the Giant Mole. Add this in-game and you will do far more harm than good. And thats not to mention PvP, please do not give raggers the ultimate tool to rag with again, PvP is already full of raggers, we don't need them to be completely invincible now.
Also added spirit shields will make things like GWD easier to solo such as armadyl and crash the prices even more, GWD is already somewhat balanced with its only highs and lows being the summer buy out and the fall sell out, adding more people being able to kill far more of these will only harm the prices, not help them.
10-Sep-2014 02:01:54