Instead of adding blessed spirit shields to the game, corp drops should be added to existing shields to keep content from being unused.
Malediction + arcane = Arcane shield
Malediction + spectral = Spectral shield
Crystal + Divine =
Crystal + Elysian = etc
Odium provides the best range bonus in the game currently so it doesn't need to be added this way. DFS also has dragonfire protection and best str bonus for shield also.
Adding arcane without changing anything would affect demand for Malediction which is already pretty low. Crystal would also be affected if we added blessed spirit shields as they were.
I remember pre-eoc NO-ONE would use crystal because blessed spirit shields were better in every way. I don't want to recreate that. Jagex really needs to think about how adding content into the game will effect other parts of the game. I guarantee Malediction will end up like crystal shield pre-eoc if nothing changes.
Voting no on shields unless they are added in a similar way.
09-Sep-2014 23:09:05