My biggest interest this month is the Corporeal Beast.
Mod Reach
What should it drop?
I think the Corporeal Beast should drop "Spirit Shields as rare drops...[
] chang[ing] stats or effects" (
Mod Reach 1
). If the Spirit Shields must be nerfed or relegated, then my suggestion is abandoning them altogether and implementing new drops without any nerfing or changes to their stats and effects. Alternatively, the Corp could drop new dragon items instead like the Dragon Platebody, Kiteshield, and/or Warhammer. All in all, I think it would be better if the Corp dropped the rest of the dragon items rather than nerfed SS's. Also, I'm hoping if the Corp drops the rest of the dragon items, the D War is given a special attack similar to Statius's Warhammer, which deals up to 50% more damage and lowers the opponent's Defence by 30%.
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