Meh, that's like saying, "Wow I can't believe barrows gloves are only available to questers. Wow I can't believe broad bolts are only available to PvMers. Wow I can't believe spotted cape is only available to hunters." The game is meant to be played in its entirety. If there is something in the game you want, then you might have to move outside of your comfort zone to get it. Pking is a part of the game just as much as anything else. Besides, to acquire a Dragon Defender one has to get a spike, which can then be used to get 10 minutes killing Cyclopses at the Warriors Guild in order to obtain the Defender. Which means you need to do PvM and PvP in order to get it. Sounds fair to me.
12-Sep-2014 18:25:43
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12-Sep-2014 18:28:18
420 MLG Swag