This is the first devblog I've read about this skill, and I actually must say that it sounds quite nice. I have three main bits of feedback:
1. Please be careful when coding the "ash tree" especially - don't make it like a willow or teak tree - extremely quick to cut. If possible make it a slower tree to cut that gives more experience (more like a yew tree, less like a teak tree, if you know what I mean; high xp per log relative to level 20 trees, but slow to cut).
2. Fish fillets should always give the proposed boost, elsewise they'll be obselete content before they're even released. Let's be honest, nobody uses barbarian potions, what makes you think people will use a "fillet" that has a "chance" of giving a potion's affect? I think it should be a 100% boost when using a fillet. It wouldn't be overpowered because I assume a fillet is eaten as a normal food, consumed in one bite. I
consider taking a few fillets on a slayer task or some other form of pvm if I were getting a boost from it, I
even consider it if it weren't a 100% boost. This wouldn't be overpowered.
3. For the sake of Karil's xbow, I don't like the idea of 2h crossbows. The reason why there is a demand for Karil's xbow, aside from the occasional pure wanting to pk with something a little more unique, is how useful it is in the fight caves, because of its longer range than a regular crossbow. Give these c'bows the same accuracy as their 1h counterpart, but more damage and slower speed (as proposed). You could use Arma/Zamorak books to get a little accuracy boost with 1h crossbows, along with better firing speed, but not the damage. This will hopefully give each crossbow a purpose, while not making another variation obsolete.
17-Aug-2014 17:22:05