Simple suggestion. If the skill DOES pass, then perhaps only implement the elements of the skill which received 75%+ on the poll questions "If Artisan does not pass, would you still like to see * implemented into the game?" etc.
This way, if the skill does pass, then at least some of less popular rewards from it will not be added, esoteric robes, for example.
I am neither strongly for or against the addition of Artisan at the moment. I would really like to see skilling updates to the game, and I do like the concept of the skill, but I'm afraid of the potential risks associated with it too. I do feel that Artisan is being rushed far too much. This dev blog is not extensive enough to give a complete idea of what we're to expect from the skill, either. For example, will combination runes have specific requirements to ensure that death runes are not devalued for those who have completed Mourning's End Part II? (i.e. quest requires completion to make these runes, same with laws)
From what I've heard, there seems to be so much dead content on RS3, and I don't want additions from Artisan to be dead content, and I don't want existing content to be made redundant. I'm all for its addition, if the devs just give it plenty of time and take it at a slower pace to ensure that it is the best it can be.
17-Aug-2014 13:18:38