My clanmate was really pushing for support for Artisan, but I wasn't too quick to join him because I was worried about Artisan's future. It does offer some nice things, but I don't think it offers enough to convince me that I need to train Artisan other than for the sake of training Artisan and getting the total level just a bit higher. Two things I noticed that I really liked after looking over the blog again upon my clanmate's request (aside from all the additional individual skilling activities - those are great) are the Travelling Bowyer's Top and Cap.
I like these particularly because they allow for the integration of skills that work together and prevent the interminable grind and numerous bank trips. Instead of woodcutting and banking several thousand logs and then standing at a bank for hours, players could instead woodcut and fletch simultaneously, cutting 14 logs from a tree, taking 14 strings from the hat, fletching the bows, and storing them in the top. This cuts out bank time for skillers without moving anything out of balance.
If equivalent items were added to Artisan, I would wholeheartedly support its implementation.
Ideas for other skills' integration:
-temporary anvil (low level) and temporary furnace (high level - for skillers who can't superheat just as the Bowyer's top is for skillers who can't alch)
-plank storing item (perhaps not allowed in house) and farming plot with the ability to grow hardwoods/regular trees near sawmill
-Temporary tannery (low level) and leather/d'hide body storage item (high level)
-A firepit - set up and add logs to it - burns continuously for a period and allows you to constantly add logs to it (manually, unlike bonfires), so you can woodcut and burn without making a giant line of fires.
-item for storing cooked fish
-things to integrate runecrafting, thieving, herblore, agility, and thieving (not necessarily collectively)
-some way to collect herblore secondaries while agility training?
Wow, this was a long post
17-Aug-2014 04:34:34