No, and ONCE AGAIN, this is NOT an skill, the only reason people would vote for this is because they want the items that this brings, not because it would make sense, and that's not a good reason, ANYTHING that this "skill" is trying to bring could easily be made into new content for existing skills, it's the same mistake as slayer, i like slayer as an activity to make, and yeah, i like the concept of getting pts for special weapons, but there was no point on giving it a skill tag in the list because it doesn't makes sense, how killing something specific makes you capable of hurting something that you couldn't? it's, the same, 2h c'bows? you can add them just like that, new trees? can be added to some place and require wc level, new hatchet and pickaxe upgrades? can be rewards or abilities you buy that use crafting and smithing, i'm not against the idea of creating a task system for non-cb skills, but it shouldn't be an skill on it's own, and it shouldn't also just be a global bunch of rewards w8ing to be bought from 1-5 guys because, let's face it, the only thing all these skills have in common is that they don't involve combat, y not just release a group of masters that grant you tasks for groups of non-cb skills without making them skills? they could also be in guilds or spc places and the like and be based on the potions for dungeoneering, like, yeah, bring an "artisan" master whose tasks involve crafting, smithing, fletching etc, a "survivalist master" for thieving, hunting and agility, and so on.
16-Aug-2014 22:56:50