
Dev Blog: Agility XP Thread is locked

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Jan Member 2023


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Nobody's complained. The only people complaining were you and Skillful (who has now changed his mind). Neither of you are level 3 skillers. I've read every page of this thread btw, as it's a very important update to me and my friends. As I said to the guy above, go name a single level 3 skiller who posted on this thread saying that they want access to the highest courses.

oh. ur rank 5 in agility. nicely done. but sounds like ur afraid of lvl 3 competition. if ardy was open to all lvls, you may have more then 1 lvl 3 ahead of you in rank lol

I'm a lot more than just #5 in Agility lol. #1 Agiler 4 lyfe. Google me. :P I'm not afraid of competition and the level 3 skiller above me on the OSRS hiscores is "Im on a roof" who just posted and he doesn't want faster rates. :P

Anyway, there's no way most people will accept Ardougne available to all, no requirements whatsoever other than 90 Agility. If I had to compromise with you, which I truly don't think compromise is the answer, having a quest requirement for Ardougne and not for Relekka would be far more preferable than having a quest requirement for Relekka and not Ardougne. Relekka is negligible in comparison to Ardougne.

03-Dec-2013 01:14:15 - Last edited on 03-Dec-2013 01:18:49 by Jebrim



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Just thinking about the extra requirements, I'm not sure how possible it would be without speaking to Ash (he's off today) but can you think of any existing pieces of content which we could tie unlocking the courses in to. For example, you need to do Tribal Totem quest to unlock the Ardougne Course, or One Small Favour to unlock Seers.

Draynor - Vampire Slayer

Varrock- Romeo and Juliet + Shield of Arrav

Alkharid- Prince Alie rescue, and have successfully stolen the lowest level sq'uirk from sorcerers garden

Canifs- Priest in Peril

Falador- Recruitment Drive

Seers- Murder Mystery

Pollnivneach- The Fued

Relleka- Fremminik Trials

Ardy - Legends

I think the higher the course XP yeilds, the harder the tying quest should be. However, I suppose something should be done for the low level skillers. As they are likely to complain.

I think this is great,
Also, the low level skillers are definitely the minority here
I honestly don't think that they matter, as less then 1% of the players on oldschool are level 3 skillers. They chose to be a level 3 skiller knowing the restrictions that would be placed upon them.
Can't please everyone

03-Dec-2013 01:23:22



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I noticed there are no quest requirements for some of the higher level courses. Can these be added perhaps? I'm a level 3 skiller with 99 Agility (trained at the wilderness course) and 99 will become significantly easier if other level 3s can just train at ardy instead for +30% xp/hr and no risk of dying. Devaluation of skills wasn't supposed to happen in osrs, but this will devalue Agility for pures/level 3s (more so level 3s as pures can access dorge).

03-Dec-2013 01:30:40



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You keep acting like level 3's are being denied access to courses they want. They are actively pushing to NOT have access to these courses. Not a single level 3 skiller is posting on this thread requesting no quest requirement exist on the high level courses.

There actually had been level 3s on this thread complaining about people wanting to put quest requirements on the agility courses... I agree that they should be fine with restrictions as they choose to restrict themselves so their achievements are greater but there has been some complaining.

actually jebrims completely right all lv 3 skillers are forcing to look to add a quest requirement as the whole point as a lv 3 skiller is to somewhat challenge yourself and understand the restrictions that they will face.

03-Dec-2013 01:58:19



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The Rooftop Agility will be dead with less xp. Make it as it is or its gonna be dead..only person who will be doing is jebrim while he cry's in joy and poops his pants

That comment about jebrim im not gonna lie but I laughed at that lol.. But about him the only one doing it I rly wouldn't say so.. Infact I would rather stick to old courses if jagex rly do plan to devalue a skill its just disgusting to watch something and do it and it be known in the community as that "thing" that totally made agility easier.. No one can watch that and a skill would more likely be more dead content if they just threw exp at it like the main game because people wouldn't be able to watch it or do it, just like me with rcing on the main game runescape 3 I will never touch that skill again because of what jagex have done with it "aka runespan".

03-Dec-2013 02:12:45



Posts: 3,467 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
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You keep acting like level 3's are being denied access to courses they want. They are actively pushing to NOT have access to these courses. Not a single level 3 skiller is posting on this thread requesting no quest requirement exist on the high level courses.

There actually had been level 3s on this thread complaining about people wanting to put quest requirements on the agility courses... I agree that they should be fine with restrictions as they choose to restrict themselves so their achievements are greater but there has been some complaining.

actually jebrims completely right all lv 3 skillers are forcing to look to add a quest requirement as the whole point as a lv 3 skiller is to somewhat challenge yourself and understand the restrictions that they will face.

Facepalm at you people... I agree that point in a level 3 skiller is limiting yourself with restrictions to how you can train and I know there are level 3 skillers saying they want restrictions but to say there aren't level 3 skillers mad at this requiring quest requirements is stupid... There has actually been some posting earlier on this thread!!

03-Dec-2013 02:46:55

Apr Member 2023


Posts: 65 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I've just been poking through these reading here and there and I believe that something that may come if use is a quest with no req for each rooftop course for its town and a quest that stays in the town that not easy but not difficult

03-Dec-2013 03:38:49

Lord Speed

Lord Speed

Posts: 411 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Hey guys, I said I was leaving this thread but I guess I'm a liar. I've been trying to think about a solution to appease everyone. I'm going to propose a solution that does not restrict those who only have the agility requirement, but reward those who have gone further than that.

I propose that each city have an npc give a pendant that gives a small amount of bonus experience, much like karamja gloves, for completion of a series of quest. This would still give the quest incentive that the prior agility courses gave while letting everyone still have access to the content. Here's what I'm thinking...

Pollnivneach Pendant:
Additional experience: 5%
Exp per hour without pendant:53.5k
Exp per hour with pendant: 56.2k

Quest required:
The Fued
Itchy's little helper
Prince Ali Rescue
The tourist trap
Enakhra's lament

Relleka pendant:
additional experience: 5%
Exp per hour without pendant: 57k
Exp per hour with pendant: 59.9k
Quest required:
Throne of Miscellania
Frem Isles
Lunar Diplomacy

Ardougne Pendant:
Additional experience:5%
Exp per hour without pendant:62k
Exp per hour with pendant:65.1k
Quest Required:
Making History

I realize that the quest may seem difficult. However, this would reward those high level players with experience in addition to what they may already receive, even if it is slight. After all, this is high level content. I look forward to hearing what everyone thinks about this.

03-Dec-2013 05:14:49

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