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Nobody's complained. The only people complaining were you and Skillful (who has now changed his mind). Neither of you are level 3 skillers. I've read every page of this thread btw, as it's a very important update to me and my friends. As I said to the guy above, go name a single level 3 skiller who posted on this thread saying that they want access to the highest courses.
oh. ur rank 5 in agility. nicely done. but sounds like ur afraid of lvl 3 competition. if ardy was open to all lvls, you may have more then 1 lvl 3 ahead of you in rank lol
Lol, for some reason I don't think so. I don't think Jebrim has any invested interest in keeping level 3's out of agility. I think that many people who actually like agility (those weird people, yeah) believe that the way agility is currently structured is a paradigm that should be continued. I've let my opinion be known a few times now, it's probably best I leave it up to everyone else. It was nice collaborating with you guys.
03-Dec-2013 01:09:40