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Aru and Im on a roof both are lv 3 skillers telling me they want restrictions and there are many others. Ohhhh so lv 3's without 99 agility should have restrictions but ones with 99s shouldnt???
Read post better. Juelexi is saying the lvl 3's that want restrictions have 99 agility. They want agility to stay slow so that other lvl 3's know it took them long time to get cape. Eventually, an update, or this one, will devalue that cape. LIVE WITH IT! Games evolve and add new content which make old content useless. Its called progression.
yep thats what im saying exactly people with 99 agility shouldnt have more say then ones without you tell us that lv 3s shouldnt have restrictions but then you say its completely ok or doesnt rly matter if the highest lv ones get no restrictions. Your defending lv 3 skillers but not high lv ones.. when i said making a good impression i rly thought someone would understand that was sarcasm.. but apparently not.
Hmm that whole paragraph didnt make sence to me, sorry
Can you use more periods and coma's or atleast clarify what you mean?
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Hey guys, I said I was leaving this thread but I guess I'm a liar. I've been trying to think about a solution to appease everyone. I'm going to propose a solution that does not restrict those who only have the agility requirement, but reward those who have gone further than that.
I propose that each city have an npc give a pendant that gives a small amount of bonus experience, much like karamja gloves, for completion of a series of quest. This would still give the quest incentive that the prior agility courses gave while letting everyone still have access to the content. Here's what I'm thinking...
Pollnivneach Pendant:
Additional experience: 5%
Exp per hour without pendant:53.5k
Exp per hour with pendant: 56.2k
Quest required:
The Fued
Itchy's little helper
Prince Ali Rescue
The tourist trap
Enakhra's lament
Relleka pendant:
additional experience: 5%
Exp per hour without pendant: 57k
Exp per hour with pendant: 59.9k
Quest required:
Throne of Miscellania
Frem Isles
Lunar Diplomacy
Ardougne Pendant:
Additional experience:5%
Exp per hour without pendant:62k
Exp per hour with pendant:65.1k
Quest Required:
Making History
I realize that the quest may seem difficult. However, this would reward those high level players with experience in addition to what they may already receive, even if it is slight. After all, this is high level content. I look forward to hearing what everyone thinks about this.
Too complicated to actually occur and not sure I even want it to anyway. Think simple fixes.
I don't think it's too complicated. I was just seeing what reception the idea would get. As you probably know, I'm the last one that wants this update to bring absurd experience rates.
Hey guys.. i made a thread based on the grace armour results.. i and others are not keen on the design / colouring of this and prefer atleast a choice of colours/design for this... please seek my thread made for more info upon this matter thank you .
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Hey guys.. i made a thread based on the grace armour results.. i and others are not keen on the design / colouring of this and prefer atleast a choice of colours/design for this... please seek my thread made for more info upon this matter thank you .
I think a lot of people agree there should be a colour change because the grace outfit simply does not fit the whole idea of the agility cape.
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Hey guys.. i made a thread based on the grace armour results.. i and others are not keen on the design / colouring of this and prefer atleast a choice of colours/design for this... please seek my thread made for more info upon this matter thank you .
Hardly anyone has really voiced distaste towards the design of the graceful outfit and its way to late to change it.
I think that Ardougne's xp/hr rate should be increased to 70k per hour, only because it's a level 90 course, and I feel that while 62k per hour is decent, more could be rewarded, since it'll be a longer and more difficult course to travel through.
Also, is there a limit to how many Marks of Grace you can collect per hour or per day? I was a bit confused by that.
This is ridicules. Don't speak for lvl 3s as you obviously have no idea how we might feel about it.
The whole "combat requirement" is purely malicious towards lvl 3s and/or pures.
THIS IS AN AGILITY UPDATE! not a combat one!
The only lvl 3s that have an issue with this update are those that already have 99 or are going for 200m xp. That is it and jeez I wonder why they would be against that.
EVERYONE will have higher xp rates with these new courses. Stop trying to take that away from lvl 3s... we are all part of the runescape community, not just those with a combat lvl higher than 3.
You are the exception, not the rule. I've been on and off involved in the level 3 skiller community for years. Clans have been set up full of only level 3s or people under level 30. This account I'm on now is level 5 in RS3 and has 90m Agility Xp. If you have no desire on being restricted on pieces of content out there, why did you choose to be a level 3 skiller in the first place?
I just looked you up. You've barely even touched that account (nothing above level 40s). Most veteran level 3 skillers care very much about skilling and having these restrictions. A big thing that this Agility update is supposed to avoid is making Agility significantly faster. Jagex has stated that that is their goal. You would ask that they make it significantly faster for a group of people that mostly (you excluded) against it?
The reason skillers (any cb) switched from RS3 to 07 was to get away from EasyScape and fast Xp rates. The first, and so far only, level 3 skiller to get 200m Agility Xp was disappointed that he had to do it all at the Advanced Barbarian course where the achievement of being the first level 3 skiller to 200m Agility had no extra value over any other 200m Agility done. We don't want the same situation to occur in 07 to destroy the potential for unique level 3 achievements in skills.
Simple idea: put the plan to add additional requirements to access courses to a poll; add multiple ideas that have been suggested as options, simply because if this issue is solely decided upon by the outcome of this thread, the forums give an extremely skewed representation of the entire community and without polling it there wouldn't be a way to know how the majority of players feel.
Edit: And for those using lore as a reasoning as to why there should be additional requirements, I'm pretty sure there isn't much, if any(?) lore behind NMZ and being able to re-fight bosses (for ridiculous melee XP/HR rates, as well, by the way), just saying.
04-Dec-2013 05:31:28
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04-Dec-2013 05:33:54
0HP 2020
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LOL Devaluing a lvl 3's 99 agility. Im sorry but adding 10-20k more xp per hr wont devalue it asmuch as RS3 has devalued ALL 99's. If you think skill updates wont come to 07 that will devalue skills, then you as sadly mistaken. Agility is just the first, so sit back and enjoy the ride
actually adding 10k-20k is a massive devalue and it will devalue it just like rs3.. agility is many of the skills that will slightly be devalued no one wants the rest of the skills devalued.. if you think the skills will be devalued your pretty dumb. If there is no players left no one can sit back and enjoy the ride
Plenty of ppl will enjoy the ride. If you think new skill updates wont devalue any skills, then stop playing RS and get some FRESH AIR. ANY new skill update to 07 has a chance to devalue the skills. Live with it and ENJOY THE RIDE!
Hey Jagex, can we kick all gang up and banish some undesirables out of the community?
The only people who want faster updates for all skills are noobs who've never really achieved anything and can't fathom doing achievements with current rates. Veteran skillers, particularly those in 07, are strongly against any skill getting significantly devalued from where it is currently. We don't want EasyScape. I know almost everyone on the top page Overall...in both games, as well as a great many top ranks in skills. I was the first to all 99s in 07, if you're not aware. Noobs who will barely touch the content anyways should not be dictating big changes to content that will seriously nerf the achievement aspect available in those pieces of content for those that actually do them.
04-Dec-2013 05:32:41
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04-Dec-2013 05:33:17