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...the part that upsets me is this..for the many many players that have already or continue to bot are considerably richer than the few months rs has been opened and all the regular players that dont bot and work really hard for all they got..seem like we are poor in comparison..
yesterday i stood in seers bank and listened to a player who was in there 90's combat level ..brag to others that his bank was at 180 million gp..whch seems nearly impossible without botting in this small amount of time ..
i was wondering if theres anyway to rollback the bot owners accounts and take there bot earned gp away?
as far as bots..i often wondered why some sort of IP banning isnt being done as well? i mean why not bot if the only punshment of being caught is to take away that account,,and then all they have to do s make new bot accounts?
to sum it up..
getting rid of the bots wll be great..but the end result will/is/ that all previous bot owners have a ****derable advantage of beng flthy rich already even if they can't bot anymore..they are already filthy rich..=/
Making that much is not at all impossible being a lvl 90. Quite easy to make money at that combat.. Simply run barrows or dag kings all the time or other bosses and you'll make a lot of money in a rather short period of time.
As for IP bans that will never work. For one they can't just ban an IP that could possibly be a University or some other largely populated building, cause' GF thousands of RS players legit or not, and there's a thing called a VPS which uses random IP's. Also, most people now days can simply unplug their router for about 10 minutes and it will generate a new IP.
Can't really ban people getting money from an account that bots either.. lets say you're selling X item for X price. The bot can trade you the money for the item and that would lead to YOU being banned because the bot laundered his money through you.
29-Apr-2013 22:37:31