Some new types of bots have started cropping up recently (I consider them new because I've never seen them before, and they are not the usual 'gathering skill' bots)
1. Safe cracking in the Rogue's Den (This seriously undermined my own safe cracking for gems, and so I gave up because I felt pointless doing hard, long-term work when someone is reaping all the rewards without lifting a finger)
2. Swamp Tar picking bots in Lumbridge Swamp.
3. Buying Nature runes from the Wizard's Guild in Yannille (They are definitely bots, one of them is called not evenmad5 - you can check hiscores and just see that as soon as 66 magic has been hit, they've been sent off on their merry macroing ways.)
The bot problem is like a disease and it is spreading across all aspects of Runescape, even ones I would never have expected.
Kinda giving up on OSRS, feels like I'm the only one putting hard effort and time into skills. Especially when PKing, some of those pures have blatantly got an army of bots supplying them - how is it that a level 57-59 can have 85 magic already, without ANY gathering or money making skills lifted above level 1? (Pking it self is no way have going to raised enough revenue to pay for this, especially in a short amount of time.)
05-May-2013 12:14:55