
Dev Blog: BotWatch Update

Quick find code: 380-381-77-65448272

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29-Apr-2013 07:42:19

Mod Reach

Mod Reach

Jagex Moderator Forum Profile Posts by user
To answer a few questions:-

1. What about xyz areas?

In order to refine the system, we kept it's reach rather minimal to begin with. Otherwise we could of just launched it outright and on every spot not knowing who or what it would catch. It's best to start off small and work your way up, aggressively. That is the next step!

2. I've been 'accidentally' banned!

If you truly have, you WILL be unbanned very quickly. As mentioned on other posts, the system itself is very very accurate but nothing is perfect. There are mistakes and we will look to correct them very quickly. However, it's come to light that a lot of the claimed 'false bans' were players attempting to rally negative support and have previous offences overturned.

3. Can you start to target xyz now?

It's reports like this we need. You, the players, see all areas of the game and know the best and most efficient spots to purchase items, train and gather resource. We also know this, but there can be obscure areas bots and goldfarmers might target to keep out of sight. So far, we've taken the areas you've reported the worst and focused there. As we now begin to branch out, the areas you report are crucial, please keep these up!

4. Bot busts don't make a significant enough impact, why bother?

It's not about the immediate impact a half hour bot bust has. It's about the information it gather and the message it sends. Yes, we have a schedule that points out when we're coming so people will obviously log their bots out in fear . The information we take from these busts helps make the system stronger, more aggressive and accurate. For the integrity of the game, they're important to us.


29-Apr-2013 10:07:35

Mod Reach

Mod Reach

Jagex Moderator Forum Profile Posts by user
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Figured since this Botwatch doesn't seem to be watching very much at the moment (if at all), I may as well help by listing a ''few'' goldfarming bots to ban. 100% confirmed flax spinning bots, you can look them up on the high scores yourselves if you want.

135/500 names in the top 500 for Crafting on our high scores... are all goldfarmers.

I've passed those on, you'll notice them cleared shortly ;)

29-Apr-2013 10:10:12

Mar Member 2024


Posts: 3,607 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Mod Reach,

Why don't Jagex come up with an auto-hide sticky thread in the OSRS forums so people can submit their names or their friends names. We don't want to see the OSRS forums cluttered with unban me threads pushing away other legitimate discussions, but we cannot just hide them and pretend they do not exist.

This way people can't 'rally' negative support like you said, as all the contents will be hidden and private between themselves and Jagex - just like how it should be.

Or make another email specific to OSRS appeals so they don't get lumped up altogether with other accounthelp issues. After all most of the incorrect bans are applicable to OSRS. If JAG can get their own email, why not appeals?

And when you say incorrect bans are dealt with quickly, how quickly?

Read if you have time ;)

29-Apr-2013 10:16:26 - Last edited on 29-Apr-2013 10:18:28 by Np

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29-Apr-2013 11:46:36

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