
Wilderness Changes

Quick find code: 380-381-735-66220069



Posts: 7 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
We need less Ironman jmods and more people who actually pk or will listen to the community. This is utterly disappointing, and my expectations were low. Just seems jmods are too out of touch with the pk community. Hello rsps. if irons want an instanced wilderness jamflex will probably give it to them...

24-Jun-2021 18:42:47

Suited Slug

Suited Slug

Posts: 2 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
As you are deciding to bring in Singles-plus throughout the entirety of the wilderness this should then bring a change to the way NPCs give rewards. Whether this be through the likes of wilderness slayer or through the rarity and value of the drops they can provide. If a player has to risk their items to kill an NPC for a slayer task that could be killed outside the wilderness then you should add in some form of exp boost or better rewards. I understand that larren's keys were added for wilderness slayer but the removal of emblem drops reduced the rewards and made normal slayer just as profitable than the wilderness slayer. You could offer a very low odd chance of receiving a clue item reward as a random drop from any wilderness NPC depending on its combat it could drop a higher clue scroll reward as an example. This would help bring players into the area for a higher risk/high reward style system which should be in place.
I do not agree with the way you are offering to extend the 'PJ' timer to singles-plus combat areas. You mention if you are looting a kill and someone jumps on you then you have to chance to loose you kill why not just extend the PJ timer for after you have killed another player? Also later you mention the idea of loot keys in which you would only need to grab one key before attempting to leave the wilderness so you could then loot at your leisure in a safe area in Edgeville. There is already enough time to escape being attacked by other players if you spend enough time practicing escaping. I do not need to explain these mechanics here.
Increasing the risk at the Fountain of Rune I agree with as the price of charged glories/ring of wealth etc are at an all time low. If a player is willing to risk charging these items there should be some form of reward which will help balance the price of these items.
Out of the many builds I have created I am yet to create an Iron pking build. I do not agree that making the loot simply disappear is fair to the...

24-Jun-2021 19:15:17

Drk Pk King
Dec Member 2023

Drk Pk King

Posts: 627 Steel Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Maybe my name gives an indication, but I'm very much opposed to this update.

It is incredibly easy to escape in Singles +. All you need is a single freeze, and a tree to hide behind (or just dd on a player).

Ancient magicks just got a brutal nerf. Who is going to run ancients now that any player can simply teleport out at the slightest hint of danger? Unless you introduce TBs to the ancient spellbook, you may as well get rid of all of your ancient ice sacks.

In regard to the poll. I have no doubt that the PVMers and skillers that voted "Yes" to going in the wilderness more if skull tricking and teams weren't as much of an issue will NOT be pking in any greater numbers. They saw their vote as an opportunity to make wilderness safer for them when they do go in to hunt clues or do other non-pvp related content in the wilderness. The poll did not consider the possibility that people would lie.

There are certainly some positive elements to the proposed wilderness update, but overall it is going to see a further reduction in the number of pkers, and a lot more pkers quitting once and for all. Why is PVP content being pollled by non-pkers? That I will never understand. Shame Jagex.

24-Jun-2021 19:28:37 - Last edited on 24-Jun-2021 19:30:44 by Drk Pk King

Suited Slug

Suited Slug

Posts: 2 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
...many players that have spent many hours of their life creating a unique build should be punished. The likes of player content creators such as Kemp Q was a huge inspiration to many players on how they could create such a special account. This is in fact punishing players for the hours they have spent which will drive further players away from pvp content.
In regards with the revenant caves the biggest loss for the activity in the wilderness was the make the whole cave singles-plus. I got massively back into the game when I began to join regular PK trips with an active clan. With the new update of clan's bringing multi-spot locations back to the revenants would be a huge update for all player looking to enjoy the rewards and risk of the wilderness. You have mentioned the Revenant Boss would be added to the caves bringing a higher chance of a better reward. Adding multi-spots back into the cave could further enhance risk vs reward. Why not make the revenant with a better drop table (eg dragons, beast and orks) in mutli location? This means if a player wishes to try and get more kills/loot per hour they must risk the chance of being attacked by multiple players rather than a solo pker?
I worry that the wilderness updates are actually going to negatively effect the player vs player community which has been around since the beginning of the game. With the likes of Bounty Hunter which was taken away just as fast as it was brought in I believe further discussions with actual players may help bring useful ideas forward. I would be happy to be contacted and try attempt help keep the wilderness alive and to used to its fullest potential. I hope that writing this first forum post it will get looked at as a genuine plea for the part of this game I love the most. I look forward to seeing some form of response from the Jagex team and to see how these updates are actually implemented.
Kind Regards,
Suited Slug

24-Jun-2021 19:30:49

Apr Member 2022


Posts: 6 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Howdy Reader,
*Been playing this game since the golden age (2007)*
I have been a SOLO PKER for the last 5 years; I believe the quality of the Wilderness can be rejuvenated if both PvM and PvP are taken into account. I believe many of the updates are exciting while a few others are arguably yucky.

The armour/weapon buffing was done fairly well - such as giving battlestaves practicality, maintaining the quality of dragonhide armour (important for pure's defence), the darn green robes are buffed- but that's understandable.

Removing Skull-Tricking by including an additional attack option is a bit strange. This ultimately removes a legendary experience in the game; that feeling you get when you just made a terrible mistake and should have been more responsible. This is an important lesson learned in (some) games, and also be applied to real life situations - and it's good to teach good life lessons, it's science........

Slayer Cave rework - terrific, this needed more juice for sure
Revenant Cave/Revenant (NPC) rework - very admirable, finally the cave isn't spammable
Loot Keys - fairly epic, excited food was taken into account - well done.
Luring - most actions toward removing scammers/lurers is good; this is good.
Ironman PvP loot disappearing - finally, lol this is funny.
The Dinh's Bulwark rework - nicely done, the shield is way cooler now.
Blessed D Hide Chaps for 1 Def - YOOOOOOOOO finally > :)

As for the singles+ in the entirety of the Wilderness (not including multi), this is a bit odd to digest as this changes the way PvP has been for quite some time. While others claim this "destroys the wilderness/PKing", I thought about it a bit more and realized that it's low-key putting some honor to PKing as it's easier to get away if you have a PJ timer and you can easily freeze people and walk behind a tree - some say that people shouldn't be able to get away just like that... but I mean... they did tho. XD

Thanks for reading xoxo

24-Jun-2021 19:33:41

Jan Member 2023


Posts: 225 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Ever since I began playing RuneScape in the spring of 2001, the aspect of PvP interaction was at the peak of my curiosities. PvP changed from enabling/disabling your own skull - indicating your PvP status - to the fights moved to the Lumbridge cow pen. This is where I began testing my PvP capabilities. Though, this area was quite small and became increasingly used and difficult to navigate as swarms of players would be fighting in or around the same tiles. Clearly a large enough portion of the player base was increasingly becoming interested in PvP gameplay in RuneScape. After some time, staff at Jagex decided it would be best to devote an entire area to player versus player combat: the Wilderness.

After this update I fell in love with PvP. Yet, I have a small - personally unpleasant - anecdote of my first experience; skull-tricking. Yep, I was skull-tricked. Did I care? Absolutely! I lost all of my gear that I felt I worked so hard to obtain. The real question, however: did I care enough to reach out to Jagex staff and ask for changes? Absolutely NOT. Jagex made it full clear what the terms were for dying with a skull obtained by attacking another player. So, I went back to killing monsters and trading to get some gold and purchase, again, what I had lost.

Much is the same today. There are multiple warnings that players receive before entering the wilderness and they themselves control whether they reappear or not. Now, I must admit, the mechanics behind obtaining a PvP skull vary from common knowledge to rather in-depth mechanics – to which, some should likely be addressed. In the Wilderness Changes Blog released on June 24, 2021, you speak to skull-tricking, stating, “this puts the victim in a position where they are risking much more than they had intended.”

24-Jun-2021 19:39:51

Jan Member 2023


Posts: 225 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Further, you mention 68-70% of players do not fight back and think Skull-tricking is a big problem. What you failed to mention, was that 92% of players stated that they understand how the wilderness works (e.g. unique game mechanics and game rules). Yet, somehow, they are still dumbfounded when a skull appears above their head as if some malicious player was the sole cause of this occurrence. Therefore, you have not addressed additional factors, and your outcome is extremely biased.

Some of the other statistics suggest that nearly 40% of responding players actively use the wilderness, with the main proportion of those players seeking some form of money-making. First, I would like to identify that the question, ‘which of the following best describes the main reason you enter the wilderness’ is extremely flawed in its asking. All of the options: fighting other players; completing clue scrolls; skilling content; money-making; killing wilderness bosses; and unique rewards all fall under the same category of ‘money-making’ - to some degree. Also, I do not believe the entire discourse of the wilderness is being considered; this survey was delivered at a time when the wilderness was in the becoming used less often, as recent changes to the Revenant Caves were implemented. I believe that were this survey created before these changes, the results would be drastically altered. Further, were this survey created before the addition of the Revenant Caves, the results, again would vary dramatically. As for some disclosure, I do believe some aspects of skulltricking are not at the fault of all players, but rather the game mechanics that apparently 92%, full-well, understand. Clearly, they do not. Change your game mechanics, not your game play.

24-Jun-2021 19:40:46

Jan Member 2023


Posts: 225 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Singles-plus combat
The initial inception of the wilderness was entirely multi-way combat. With the introduction of RuneScape ‘2’s change in combat functionality, the necessity of adding single-way combat areas was clear. Modifying this further has absolutely no justification. An area already exists for this style of combat – having gone from the most used, multi-way area for, both, PvP and PvM in likely all of the wilderness’ history. The Revenant Caves effectively serves this purpose. I will admit that I was a frequent user of the Rev. Caves, and truly miss the amount of fun I had fighting other clans and solo PvP players lingering outside. However, I digress – changing all single-way to single-plus caters to a significantly small number of players. From what I gather, these players are upset that a ‘team’ has an advantage over their solo capabilities. Is this not what the essence of RuneScape is about? Even in attempting to learn higher-end PvM content, players are often encouraged to create or join a ‘team’ to ease the process. Why have you, then, gone through so much trouble developing clan structure, such as the recent clan update? It is not like there is a degree of exclusivity in these PvP clans that absolutely barres anyone from joining – in fact, many PvP clans have become extremely less active, while some are growing rapidly in number.

Single-plus combat does not allow for equality but serves as a guise of equity – equity that instead, gives single-plus advocates an unequal advantage. The truth is, the wilderness is a rather ruthless place. We enter it knowing full-well what is at stake. We know we might die and lose everything save for 3-4 items protected on death; or, in the event of obtaining a skull, it could be all, but 1. In the entire discourse of the wilderness, players who have consistently been part of the numerous changes have been adapting their strategies in accordance.

24-Jun-2021 19:40:59 - Last edited on 24-Jun-2021 19:41:43 by Incredulity

Jan Member 2023


Posts: 225 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
This update forces those who have been doing-so, to again, adapt – contrarily allowing a rather small proportion of players to get what they want, instead. Why do players who consistently use the wilderness as a source of fun content have to change? I would implore you to further consider the data you have collected, and further contrast the multiplicative factors that are associated with each question – rather than narrowly focusing upon each factor, individually.

24-Jun-2021 19:41:21



Posts: 16,996 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
70% of players avoid the wilderness. So you want to make single-way combat even more dangerous and confusing?

Singles-Plus was an attempt to balance revenant caves. Something that never should have been in the game in the first place.

Xerician nerf is justified, it was poorly balanced from the start.

Dhide nerf isn't, especially in how it impacts all those people that use it for pvm, outside of the wilderness.

Another boss? More revenants? Come on...

Dinh's bulwark changes are interesting and much better than the straight up nerf that was originally proposed. What I don't understand is Jagex's absolute disdain for defense in the wilderness. Justiciar's effect doesn't work against players in the wilderness. Why would anyone bring it there? I thought you wanted people to risk when they went into the wilderness...

Anyway. Once again it seems like Jagex is sacrificing the game on the altar to pvm content, while forcing their own twisted vision of pvp into the game. Dropped items appearing instantly was polled, failed, and then forced. Now all this nonsense is going to be forced? Equipment like the blowpipe that behave differently in the wilderness, equipment that doesn't work in the wilderness, while equipment that shouldn't work (twisted bow) against magic-only bosses... does work, because some jmod wanted to lure people with it into the wilderness.

The segregation between normal gameplay mechanics and the wilderness's mechanics are growing, single plus is to be enforced everywhere, and this is somehow supposed to bring more people into the wilderness?
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24-Jun-2021 20:53:21

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