
Devblog: Old School RS Week 1

Quick find code: 380-381-71-65448259

Jun Member 2023


Posts: 90 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Discussing a few ideas that have been tossed about....

A GE with suggested prices: what difference would it make if we had a GE with fixed prices? everyone would just sell everything at the suggested price. One of the reasons we had the vote was because of the GE.

Changing unids to grimy herbs: absolutely not. Changing to grimy herbs really took away the incentive to level herblore. Some people argue that it "scams the unknowledgable". Well, no duh! If you don't have any knowledge about something, it's easier to get scammed. So learn it!

Vote after log-in: This is a good idea. However, don't have a "don't care" option. Have a "not yet" option for people who are undecided or a "don't show me this again" option.

Toolbelt: Heck no. This is old school.

Pathfinder: Sure, why not.

Mithril seeds: should either be in a specific order or a player's choice.

25-Feb-2013 23:51:51



Posts: 593 Steel Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
1.Firstly, how would you like the community polls to work? For instance, what degree of consensus should be required?

- "An overwhelming majority" vote on a poll posted on the official OSRS main-page. Somewhere around 80%.
- I would like to see an option of 3 things on each poll. One of those should be, "no update at this time".

2.Secondly, what content changes would you like to see shortlisted for the first polls?

- Fullscreen(or resizeable or larger res option)
- An untradeable OSRS holiday item(unique?)(no long-drawnout event please)
- Right-click report option on name in chat(near add/iggy persons)
- & erm... uh... That's it for now.

==We need to stretch our legs some, get a new feel for what's out there.==

My best advice to our Dev team is to:
- take it slow. They have time to run polls, run them for a long time. We don't want weekly updates, even monthly might move too fast for the moment.
- Every update will be scrutinized by someone. Make sure every update that does happen is supported by an overwhelming majority.
- focus on keeping strong communications with this community. Take the time to visit forums and popular spots within the game. Don't just lurk, interact with us.

25-Feb-2013 23:55:58



Posts: 227 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I think that the requirement for a vote to pass should a two thirds majority. (Given there are only two options.)

However, any poll that is split, at most 45%/55% or smaller, should be voted on again in two weeks to a month, and If it doesn't gain the majority that time, should be discarded.

Just my take on the idea of polling.

Also, an early poll that should happen is the community's take on whether or not gambling short be against the rules.

25-Feb-2013 23:58:33 - Last edited on 26-Feb-2013 00:00:15 by TI-84



Posts: 593 Steel Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
~In regards to grimy vs unid herbs: Unid sales were normally scams guaranteeing you'll get many herbs you do not wish to have if you get any "good" herbs at all.

~I think this falls under the same line as the "remove wildy ditch" and "revert to old trade-screen" stuff I've been seeing. Some loudmouths think it's too darned hard to scam/lure as it is just having experienced players. They want better tools available to cheat other players.

~In regards to some herbs losing much of their sale value because of this: don't pick up Marrentill, seems easy enough.

26-Feb-2013 00:02:39

Mod Pips

Mod Pips

Jagex Moderator Forum Profile Posts by user
Just wanted to say thanks for the constructive and thoughtful responses so far. Great thread!

It's probably going to take us a few weeks to get community polls up and running, so we won't be rushing in to anything.

Even in the posts so far though there is a strong emerging consensus about the poll mechanism: needs to have both Yes and No options, should require a significant majority (75% or 80% most commonly mentioned), should last at least a week, and only real OSRS players can participate.

I saw a few posts about having the vote in-game; TBH that is likely to be a technical call, rather than a design decision, but we'll explore both possibilities.

26-Feb-2013 00:04:05

Jun Member 2023


Posts: 90 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Discussing ideas that are being tossed about....

In response to unid vs. grimy herbs: it is possible to get scammed on multiple things if you do not have the knowledge behind it. Therefore, instead of risking a compromise on the integrity of an entire skill, we should be smarter about our decisions. Just like any other deal, bad choices lead to a poorer financial state. This shouldn't be any different*

**-voting on a failed poll: I think this is a good idea. I would set it up to be if a poll has 60% in favor of a change, it should be re-voted on in two months.

Poll on gambling: This should be obvious. We need to set the ground rules before we get too far. Even if it is shot down, we still need a vote on it.

Right-click report: This would be fantastic! I have seen so many autotypers in World 1 and 2 at Varrock's west bank.

Health and prayer icons near the minimap: I'm on the fence on this issue. There seems to be a certain....charm about having to click on the stats page to check on things then having to click on inventory, maybe on combat, and maybe on magic. I understand it will make things easier, but this is also Old School Runescape.

26-Feb-2013 00:21:27 - Last edited on 26-Feb-2013 00:26:06 by brewsky



Posts: 1,291 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
1. HD graphics +fullscreen.

2. Make X & pathing & banking improvements.

3. Minigames
- Great orb project
- Mobilising armies(mostly becouse of the rewards, wich I think are minor enough to fit the 07scape)

- Penguins, shooting stars

- Revenant cave

4. Improvements to unused weapons like spears, thrownaxes, and javelins.

5. Bounty Hunter & PvP worlds. Perhaps a seperate vote for each one.

26-Feb-2013 00:39:40 - Last edited on 26-Feb-2013 00:52:21 by Borgas



Posts: 15,772 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
"With the poll having well exceeded 250,000 votes, we're going to have (at least) a small development team continuing to work on Old School RuneScape. We'll be setting up polls to let the community decide what changes happen inside Old School RuneScape. To prepare for this, we've got two topics we'd love your feedback on:
- Firstly, how would you like the community polls to work? For instance, what degree of consensus should be required?"


So you've LIED already eh?

That dev team wasn't supposed to be until 500k votes and it's not there yet! Absense of honesty results in a lack of integrity.. only further reducing the general opinions people hold on jagex as a games company. STOP telling lies!

How should polls work?

Hmm let me think about that.. given that you must have done a "poll" to change the grimy back to unids... and if you did hold a "poll" it must have been nothing more than a thread in forums.

Polls.. that effect the entire player base of the old game.. should not mean the need to forum camp!

Why not try putting the polls on the log in page of the old game? Somewhere where people are MORE LIKELY to see them.. rather than requiring we camp forums in order to "vote" in any polls you hold?

At this point.. it's looking more and more like you will butcher it (same way you did last time) until it's no longer recognizable as "old school" and you might as well have offer them the pre-eoc they were begging for!

What do you really believe is going to happen when you do that?

You're already killing it by allowing trades of eoc gp for old school gp... just stop. Leave it alone already!
"Nothing in all the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity" -Martin Luther King Jr.

26-Feb-2013 02:21:27

Jun Member 2023


Posts: 90 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
@Tyria Mine

So you've LIED already eh?

That dev team wasn't supposed to be until 500k votes and it's not there yet! Absense of honesty results in a lack of integrity.. only further reducing the general opinions people hold on jagex as a games company. STOP telling lies!

From the first newspost about Runescape 2007...
Level 2 - 250,000 or more votes:

2007 servers will come back as a separate entity to the main Runescape game, supported by a small development team, with a smaller additional membership fee of around *5 extra. These servers will receive basic maintenance for bug fixes and little improvements, with the possibility of integrating our modern anti-bot technology over time, if it becomes necessary.

No, they did not lie. This was the original plan all along.

How should polls work?

Hmm let me think about that.. given that you must have done a "poll" to change the grimy back to unids... and if you did hold a "poll" it must have been nothing more than a thread in forums.

Polls.. that effect the entire player base of the old game.. should not mean the need to forum camp!

Actually, unids were still in the game at this time. Unids were eliminated in September 2007. The reason they had grimy herbs on release was because of bug issues. Now that it's patched, it is back to normal.

Normally, I don't do things like this, but if you're going to bash someone, be sure to know your information.

26-Feb-2013 03:46:38

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