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This is a disgrace, not only do we have plenty of agility courses already, but the fact that I, and many other players would rather play without roofs on, nullifies the need for this update.
Runescape, and most other type of MMO type games are about gaining items, and improving your character to be the strongest, and the most versatile to assist and concur any type of boss/threat which is set. Obviously, as said, that agility is not what is needed, new items/weapons and so fourth is what is needed.
Yes, and I understand GWD has just came out, but while we gain items from God Wars, we plan to then further our adventures to stronger bosses ahead.
Hmm... that's a question, if you have ::toggleroof set to off, will you fall through the ceiling?
Many people play games for many different reasons, some for items, others for levels, some for pretty clothes and we have to cater for all types.
wow I am really glad that my vote for roof leaping won because agility has always been my favorite skill in RS and I think it is an epic idea to be to able to leap rooms kinda like Spiderman but without his webs lol
there isn't much agility anymore and this looks 10x better than the agility mini game lol . I can't wait to try this out.
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so would the outfit be a recoloured version of an existing outfit? and which one?
I'm thinking of a recoloured Castle Wars cape and hood with the rest recoloured rogues den outfit. But that is all up for debate. Who know's we may be able to get the use of an artist for a while.... *crosses fingers*