This is how you guys ruin the game for everyone! You guys always make the dumbest decisions .... nothing needs to be changed or nerfed. How about do something productive like making OSRS HD again. Rather then focusing on something pointless like merging and upgrading items. SMH.... you guys didn’t learn the first time when you lost over 70% of your clients by updating the game to the point where it was pretty much a knock off world of Warcraft. You guys are basing your statistics off of these charts from 10,000 people? But yet there’s over 200 million accounts made which is stated on the main page? I just started playing the game again and now you guys are talking about doing more idiotic updates. I can’t say I’m surprised honestly. The whole downfall to RuneScape has always been jagex and there terrible management. Nor surprised. But I will say I am disappointed.
24-Jan-2021 02:46:45