
Spellbook Filters and BH

Quick find code: 380-381-529-66064033

Nov Member 2018


Posts: 2 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I think that this is a great update. Spec tabbing was utterly ridiculous, the wild is flooded with low level rushers. Now they are somewhat forced to fight instead of run, that’s completely fair.

People getting upset about this are the people who just rush and run. A lot of them have extremely low hit points and super high strength, who were never interested in engaging into a fight in the first place lol.

01-Dec-2018 16:09:44

May Member 2023


Posts: 29 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Oh my god WHAT are you doing

I have not come across a singular negative response to this update that I did not agree with. Veteran pker here with 3400+ BH kills on my accounts combined. And you are most certainly killing the bounty hunter minigame. You are killing hybriding as well. You are severely crippling special account builds such as obby tanks.

Changes like these can NOT come from something as biased as reddit. If you really want a pvp based community to tell you what you what's needed, have your polls require player kills, or BH score to vote on. I assure you this does NOT improve BH or pvp in any way, you're only doing a favor to emblem farming bots. You are also DRASTICALLY worsening the skill gap between experienced pkers and newcomers. Newcomers will be robbed of their wealth continuously, and can't use emblems to support their efforts since they'll never get any. You are also giving more power to the already powerful builds and further discouraging unique ones.


Change the spec tab rule to only apply in the first 20 seconds of the fight, and only on the player who attacks first.

Make skipping an unskulled target count for your penalty if they either risk an emblem, or 300k+ coins in value

Allow obtaining tier 1 emblems without risking one, but only at half the chance compared to when you would be risking one.

Allow obtaining your target's emblem on kill even if you don't have one, but either make the emblem not downgrade if you risk one, or make it downgrade two tiers at once if you aren't

Also, do not underestimate the value of a decade of muscle memory on spell book positions

02-Dec-2018 12:39:53



Posts: 1 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
This has to be one of the absolute worst pvp updates I’ve ever seen. In the combat bracket I’m in no matter how good you are you’re going to die a lot so nobody risks emblems. And it gives no insentive to fight anyone with a emblem because even if you do kill them you don’t even get it! It’s complete bull crap and makes low level pking completely unprofitable, I already loose millions in supplies and now there’s not even a chance to get an emblem, because I’m not about to risk an extra 129k for someone who only risks 50k. This is just completely ridiculous!

03-Dec-2018 02:09:36

Jun Member 2023


Posts: 1,176 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
They actually went through with the spec-tabbing update lmao

You people are so fucking stupid it blows my mind. Yeah, lets teleblock anyone who specs because obviously the only people who need to tele after a spec are rushers, amiright?

This is what happens when you let retards develop MMO's.

06-Dec-2018 20:08:54

Jun Member 2023


Posts: 1,176 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Septarius said :

Change the spec tab rule to only apply in the first 20 seconds of the fight, and only on the player who attacks first.

This lol the system knows how long you've been in combat, explain to me how and why they didn't just make it that if you've spec'd within the first few seconds of combat that you can't tab out. It makes literally no fucking sense to tele-block people from tabbing throughout the entire course of combat. How many times do people spec as a last ditch effort, or spec when their pots/food is already depleted, get the kill with said spec, and then tab out if they know they're getting PJ'd.

Such a beyond stupid update I genuinely cannot fathom who the idiot is at Jagex that thought of this one.

Tele-block in the beginning of combat, not this moronic shit.

06-Dec-2018 20:12:13



Posts: 2 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
They need to start thinking about creating more combos for other attacks and if they nurf g maul combo it would ruin the whole game once again like they did in 2007 when they took wildly away, these suggestions are dumb and makes me want to quit if they are even thinking of stupid stuff like this. It would be so hard to get a kill and so easy to stay alive.

09-Dec-2018 10:11:50

Jun Member 2023


Posts: 1,176 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
tickss said :
They need to start thinking about creating more combos for other attacks and if they nurf g maul combo it would ruin the whole game once again like they did in 2007 when they took wildly away, these suggestions are dumb and makes me want to quit if they are even thinking of stupid stuff like this. It would be so hard to get a kill and so easy to stay alive.

You can still combo with the gmaul, you just can't pre-load the spec's anymore. The only insanely retarded part of this update is tele-blocking instantly post-spec, rather than tele-blocking only being applicable during the first few seconds of combat.

13-Dec-2018 06:16:18

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