Oh my god WHAT are you doing
I have not come across a singular negative response to this update that I did
agree with. Veteran pker here with 3400+ BH kills on my accounts combined. And you are most certainly killing the bounty hunter minigame. You are killing hybriding as well. You are severely crippling special account builds such as obby tanks.
Changes like these can NOT come from something as biased as reddit. If you really want a pvp based community to tell you what you what's needed, have your polls require player kills, or BH score to vote on. I assure you this does NOT improve BH or pvp in any way, you're only doing a favor to emblem farming bots. You are also DRASTICALLY worsening the skill gap between experienced pkers and newcomers. Newcomers will be robbed of their wealth continuously, and can't use emblems to support their efforts since they'll never get any. You are also giving more power to the already powerful builds and further discouraging unique ones.
Change the spec tab rule to only apply in the first 20 seconds of the fight, and only on the player who attacks first.
Make skipping an unskulled target count for your penalty if they either risk an emblem, or 300k+ coins in value
Allow obtaining tier 1 emblems without risking one, but only at half the chance compared to when you would be risking one.
Allow obtaining your target's emblem on kill even if you don't have one, but
make the emblem not downgrade if you risk one,
make it downgrade two tiers at once if you aren't
Also, do not underestimate the value of a decade of muscle memory on spell book positions
02-Dec-2018 12:39:53