A poll passed stating 2m per hour avg for revs. You guys confirm that the data shows the content is around that same mark with a little bit of variance.
Then you hot fix the update and nerf it to the point where revs are once again dead content. Why was there no poll for this nerf? Why did you guys not do the update on thursday and instead went out of your way to do it wednesday?
J mods must actually think the playerbase entirely consists of 400 pound 75 iq reddit memeing neckbeards. But thats who you guys just got bullied by into nerfing the most succesful wilderness update. Don't sit there and lie to us Mod Sween. You can't say the update was working as intended then in a further post say it needed to be changed randomly and it has nothing to do with the reddit trolls. The two accounts contradict one another, have some dignity for yourself and your team and don't even bother trying to save face. Everyone knows you guys are terrified of the apes on reddit and allow them to dictate to you guys.
People who have 50k Zulrah kills, who are outraged they might have to interact with other players instead of the same instanced, safe money snake. They talk about entitlement....meanwhile its entitlement and jealously which makes them complain about revs 24/7. I did quests, i deserve to make more money at snake then N00oo00bs at revs!!! Wahhh wahhh, memes, wahh wahhh. Sounds an awful lot like entitlement?
The obvious solution(middle ground) was removing cannons from the equation entirely. Then checking on the data afterwards. That just serms logical right? Oo no? How about a 60% nerf to profit, so that nobody cares about revs anymore, remove cannons as well and we'll push it under the rug until next month. Great job guys, Qol month was fantastic! You just killed the wilderness and sent all the pvmers back to being slaves at vorkath/zulrah. I knew I could depend on you guys to ruin a good thing, you never let me down!!!
22-Feb-2018 22:49:55