The 4got10
Lol on the update page that just got released about Halloween and Make-All it says a truly "Spoopy" mask instead of spooky hahahahaa #fixnotice
hahahaha 'tis intentional. You'll get used to the "word".
on W45 , loss on death tab still shows that players lose XP upon unskulled death to a skulled player.
Just so you know, in the newspost, there's a paragraph about how to report bugs. It directs you to right-click the 'report' button in the game, so as to get your messages to the testers. While the section's talking about Make-All, that's actually the bug report form for all your OSRS bug-reporting needs, including this kind of thing - so you aren't forced to bring it to the discussion thread for completely unrelated updates
If i can get a mod to pm me in game it would be wonderful. I died at DKS 7 mins till update and lost a lot of gps and went back to the world i died in and all my stuff was gone within 13 mins at max..... this is really upsetting. Thankyou..
I died at DKS 7 mins till update and lost a lot of gps and went back to the world i died in and all my stuff was gone within 13 mins at max..... this is really upsetting.
I'm afraid items do not stay on the ground during game reboots. The aim of the 30 min countdown is to give you ample warning to go somewhere safe and log out, so that you don't have anywhere that much risk of your stuff being on the ground like that.