I'm all for new ideas when it comes to introducing fun ways to PVP; however, when the words Bounty Hunter are muttered all I can remember is forcibly having the wilderness and free trade pried from my arms years ago. This community is already stretched so thin (especially in PVP... I mean seriously go take a stride through the wilderness if you don't believe me...) PLEASE do not divide it anymore.
My suggestion is to quit trying to make the wilderness a tame place to have a decent duel (that's what the duel arena, Edgeville, and Varrock are for) and encourage the "wild" side that makes the title so fitting. In order for the wilderness to be fun it needs to have a good mix of newbs, seasoned veterans, as well as innocent people just trying to earn an honest GP. This adds to the "you never know what you're going to get" aspect of matters.
The above being said, I feel that the rejuvenation was a step in the right direction; however, things in the wilderness must have a comparable return in order to make those who have sworn to never enter consider otherwise. Take a look at your dead content, find out why it is dead (players will be more than willing to tell you why it is so), revise it or get rid of it (don't be afraid to poll for the removal of something or admit you made a mistake), and then add more*
**;DR Quit dividing the community, go to Edgeville, the duel arena, or Varrock if you want a decent duel, and add incentive (or revisions) to what you already have.
10-Jul-2014 05:12:34