We can get both regular and superior mining gloves, or is it one or the other?
Regarding the "Make All" functions, are we going to see that become available for fletching feathers to bolts, anytime soonish? (you can make several sets of arrows, but not several sets of bolts, currently)
I'm inclined to agree with others on here about the bank and deposit box in the mine. It's too much, and it's too easy. It's not in the spirit of the game to have such readily available locations to dump your items. At least make the deposit box a hefty run away from the mine, maybe even at the top of the guild so that people will feel attracted to the idea but not make it a no-brainer. As is, ores in the game will only crash if it's left in so readily available for people to bank the stuff.
The bank should be removed, and the deposit box should be moved to the top.
well zenyte bracelet already gives +5% magic damage boost, which is already better than this void "buff." On top of that, the elite void is locked behind elite diaries that require 100 cmb minimum. A lot of zerkers use void but many are not 100+ cmb so this buff doesn't even apply to them. Main accounts can utilize elder robes so void doesn't really have a place in the meta.
I don't like the +7 boosts in fishing and mining guild. Basically makes other fishing/mining spots useless.
Adding 2 runite ores with a bank and decreased respawn time... That's just ridiculous. Might as well remove all other p2p runite rocks from the game them. I don't see how 90% + of people can vote to destroy so much content in once.
Question: There is a level 76 Fletching requirement posted for amethyst bolts, but not one for amethyst arrows. What's the level requirement for those?
no to banks, no to skill boosts, no to store but is better then a bank.
yes to more rocks, add some new req to acces new rocks.
please split up the dam votes more i hate that u squeeze more then 1 thing in one question i said no to most of these due to the fact you had two questions in each vote and i like one but not the other so it gets a no.
stop pushing this easy banks everywhere exp boast on everything every day becoming more and more like rs3 even if you guys don't see it yet the game is already easy and has lots of stuff it shouldn't so no need to make more easy stuff.
rant over for now il never win to many players like the thought of everything being quick and easy!