I think the quartz should be untradeable, if it isn't im voting no. It devalues rune bolts/arrows, and if anyone got 92mining and 83 crafting they deserve to be able to use the quartz bolts.
Also, voting no to mining guild expansion unless you make the rune rocks 2 instead of 3, get rid of the half respawn time, and add the % of rock respawning for rune. 3 rune rocks, respawning at half time, and chance to make it respawn instantly if very OP imo.
However, I do like the fishing guild expansion, that seems balanced to me. Maybe increased xp/hr since it is so intensive?
P.S. Not a fan of Make-all interface
P.S.S. Add a higher mining lvl req to the new area for mining guild? Or full prospector maybe?
Maxed Total PvM / PvPer
14-Jun-2017 16:01:15
- Last edited on
14-Jun-2017 16:03:50