Decent update, but you need to start releasing content WITH QUEST! A thought I had the other day was that Jagex use to make new areas for quest and unlockable through quest... look at the king fishers realm... it is this massive fairy tale area just for the holy grail quest... people love how the quest work and take yu all around runescape... please start adding quest to your new content, and before releasing new areas like Zeah/the inferno ... add a single quest to introduce it... no one wants to sit and talk to the people to find out the lore, quest are much more fun, agreed upon by everyone! There doesn't need to be ANY rewards, look at lumbridge and draynor and the quest found there... cooks assistant, restless ghost, sheep shearer, earnest the chicken, vampire slayer, imp catcher, lost city, HAM storyline... etc etc it goes on and on... just start adding some small quest to these areas... we would rather you spend the time making a small quest introduce an area and wait 2 weeks or so...
Maxed Total PvM / PvPer
01-Jun-2017 11:23:19