I don't really think it's fair that so much dev time is being used on content for the most wealthy and skilled PVMers. So many update lately are not doable unless you're really really wealthy or can pray flick (which shouldn't be part of combat or a skill at all).
To even be on a team for raids you need at least 50m in gear.
This new PVM inferno is locked out for anyone with less than 100m+
You have the new prayers for range and mage locked out too. Melee prayer is free?
Mage and range are 20m and 80m really how is that even close to fare?
At least dungeoneering could be done by anyone of any wealth as it was not based on your own gear.
Spending so much time on development for things that a fraction of the OSRS population can enjoy isn't really fare to the rest of us. The Inferno is only for the best of the best and most Wealthy to enjoy.
Drakes need a buff to be worth killing and not a blocked task
12-Jun-2017 19:08:00