Why is everyone moaning? This is high level, end game content. I see skillers complaining that it's inaccessible for level 3s, you made that decision when you started your skiller.
Music cape? Surely you'd need to have done quests with boss fights and grinder some high skills, you think it's unfair that new content limits your accessibility? Get good. Practice. Nobody does jad first time. I've maxed 2 accounts and a skiller and never had more than 100 quesr points, that's my choice, if your goal was music cape then you committed to doing the new content, if it's out of your skill level, then do it until it is your skill level.
People complaining that the skilling isn't as good as other content? Do the other content. Not everything that gets released needs to be the best in the game.
People complaining that the cape isn't worth the effort or challenge? Then it's not aimed at you. Inferno is aimed at players that have the resources and skill to challenge themselves, it's meant to be "the ultimate solo pvm challenge" and I'll agree, I wouldn't be able to do it, but i could try if i wanted to.
Not all content is aimed at you and the only content that can be released that everyone can do is level 1 content and the odds of that happening is slim, appreciate that they put a lot of work in to this and that it's insane that people are completing it.
06-Jun-2017 15:59:21