And actually, just to add to my last post.
I have played DOZENS. DOZENS. Of MMORPG's over the last decade. Ironically starting with Runescape back in 2003. I have played all the triple A mmo's like WoW, Guild Wars 2, FFIV, RIFT, TERA, NeverWinter, ArchAge, even dabbling into Everquest 2 and Ultima Online for those old enough to remember those gems.
Now, besides the last 2 I mentioned. NONE, of these mmo's has ever kept me coming back after almost 15 YEARS!!!! of playing the game. You want to know why? Something I understood when I came back and started OSRS in 2014. None of those games ever came CLOSE, in really, and truly rewarding you for the time and effort spent into the game. Runescape was a game where it would take MONTHS to level certain skills to 99. YES. It is rough. YES. 99 Runecrafting is insane, even with the ezscape/afk blood runes you can now do. YES. 85 Mining, and 85 Smithing are nothing to scoff at persay. But the point is, even though it takes a long time. You were truly rewarded for that time spent into the game.
Slayer is a great example. It takes a very, very long time to level to 99. I'm still working on it myself. However, when you finally get to those higher levels. That's when the gp starts coming in. That's when the time spent is finally rewarded. And THAT. Is what OLDSCHOOL RS has always been about people.
And it makes me really, really sad. To see that the community has truly lost sight of that. Once they got a TASTE of being handed things on a silver platter.
The game has catered alot more to the people that don't want to put in the effort. Zulrah. Wyverns. BRUTAL BLACK DRAGONS. All of these are extremely great gp/hour, with super low reqs honestly. And gives you more, than say 99 runecrafting. Or even, 93 Slayer, killing Thermy. Even 85 mining is a joke now. It's PITIFUL that that's the case.
And in doing so, has moved away from what made this game so great to begin with.
I hope this is the start of coming back to that
27-May-2017 09:53:34