Was there a polling booth for The void change? Screw this! Nobody voted to lower the stats on void. You guys are acrewing over the game and you're going to lose your player base again. By NOT listening to your players. If your world and company crashes and burns it's 100% your fault. Screw the new changes and screw your idea of polls. BRING BACK THE STATS FOR VOID. People literally work for days and days to get void and you took away the reason to even get void. There's literally no propose of the mage AND melee sets and NOW there is NO REASON FOR THE RANGED SET. Screw you Jagex for continually, and continually ruining my gaming and OSRS experience. This game was so fun and when you guys start messing with things you completely destroy the fun of the game. I hope your world crashes as you're crashing all your players like a selfish big brother. Screw your updates. And screw "We want to help the people and players" because you don't, you're selfish and obviously don't listen to ANYTHIG the player base wants.
25-May-2017 17:40:37