What was the point of removing the Smoke Devil boss safe spot?... It's takes nearly twice as long than doing it with melee and takes away significantly from your profit just for it to be more relaxed. If it's because you should not be able to safe spot bosses then go right ahead and fix all of the wildy bosses while you're at it.
holdmyjuice, please don't ASS-U-ME that I don't know how to fill out a bug report, infact, it was filled with enough data to not only fill the top portion, but also the bottom portion of suggestions with no characters remaining, 1658 total, unless you have a main, you haven't even began to experience old school, or even runescape and its lore, the purpose of twitter (I don't but mastershaftr does) was for the screenie, with the message AND timestamp, for additional info for the dev team that looks into the bug's,(its "funny" that "old school" still hasn't removed the phishing links from those trying to impersonate jagex upon the answering his question) its nice that you typed out that long response, but maybe, just maybe ,use thought when typing instead of assuming that everyone doesn't know how to submit a bug report, btw, its not just agil pet that bugs/glitches, if u do research in forums ( I did when all of this happened) u will find that its several pets, including beaver and even the newly released skotizo, I do have a thought as to why, but nobody that works in jagex, has even tried to contact me, in game or by forum mail, have a good day, the update is good for some ill agree
Sorry, I'm not assuming anything, this was more of a question, did you submit to bug report correctly filling in as much detail as possible. As a actual Test Analyst I've seen some "bug reports" you can write a book about bug you found, but that does not mean it has relevant information.
There is no reason to start picking up a fights with mods and people who try to understand your situation. With aggressive behavior you will not achieve anything.
My advice is to keep submitting the report. And as I can read from this forum post you've already been contacted. Post from mods state that this has been investigated and no issues have been found. So do some additional testing, gather more proof, try to find a way to replicate.
It's great to see the new skillcape perk improvements. I find that players with access to any of the capes that got a perk improvement today will be happy. While training ranged and finally achieving 99, I bought a ranged skill cape. To my surprise the untrimmed version only collects ammunition and doesn't have any attack bonus. I thought this was because it was untrimmed. I asked several in game friends if their trimmed ranged cape gave a +4 attack bonus like Ava's accumulator. They said it gives +4 prayer only. Now my question is will the trimmed ranged cape ever give a +4 attack bonus? Maybe in the future?
I thought, Finally they have fixed firemaking skillcape so its not just a freaking candle....
But no...
Its still just a freaking candle, but now you can have it in your inventory......
Give firemaking skillcape a proper perk already....
Please jagex!!!
I agree, some of these perks are so lack luster. What kind of reward is that, theres nothing special about it and its useless. Same with the prayer cape, get an imagination already.