holdmyjuice, please don't ASS-U-ME that I don't know how to fill out a bug report, infact, it was filled with enough data to not only fill the top portion, but also the bottom portion of suggestions with no characters remaining, 1658 total, unless you have a main, you haven't even began to experience old school, or even runescape and its lore, the purpose of twitter (I don't but mastershaftr does) was for the screenie, with the message AND timestamp, for additional info for the dev team that looks into the bug's,(its "funny" that "old school" still hasn't removed the phishing links from those trying to impersonate jagex upon the answering his question) its nice that you typed out that long response, but maybe, just maybe ,use thought when typing instead of assuming that everyone doesn't know how to submit a bug report, btw, its not just agil pet that bugs/glitches, if u do research in forums ( I did when all of this happened) u will find that its several pets, including beaver and even the newly released skotizo, I do have a thought as to why, but nobody that works in jagex, has even tried to contact me, in game or by forum mail, have a good day, the update is good for some ill agree
11-May-2017 14:56:26