here is a little background, for those bashing mastershaftr... and for you ash... hello I am buckeyeman69, I have played for many years, decade+ always with integrity and fair play in mind, so much that mod mat k allowed me the privelege to be dep. owner of his clan back then, 'Maxed' when rs3 pre was good playing back then, we took it to #1 overall clan in THE WHOLE GAME and stayed for many years, not only comp cape, but TRIMMED comp cape, yes I know the game and well, along with how jagex has become , like my game play on pre-eoc rs3, goal is maxing acct. with the pets addition, its a secondary goal, as I have a fewpets already, sadly, I fell to a known game bug, but the only way for me to communicate, to jagex, is thru forums, which I have, but as ALWAYS, never get replies, mastershaftr whom I have known for many years (11+) does have more access to other options(tweeting/twitch etc) and did what any REAL friend would do, and has gotten the same results until today, here, for those that are trying to bash him, either get on ur mains or go skill (yes i pulled ur stats) as u really don't have a leg to stand on trying to bash him this is the classic example of the little guy getting screwed (again)thru no fault of his own, thought u were different than what rs3 had become (we can always re-bring up QBD fiasco and more broken promises), ... I did bug report it, I did report it in VIP forum, which is my only 2 ways to communicate to runescape, about runescape, again, no replies, mastershaftr, is just being a true friend, I just hope you that are bashing him, have one when u get screwed in the game to have ur back like I do, ash, as usual, like I told mastrshaftr, thanks for proving me right, glad I didn't hold my breath like he wanted -- buckeyeman69
11-May-2017 12:08:07