What about the player council and minigame reward shop?
All the stuff we offered to put in a minigame reward shop failed its poll, and we didn't feel there was much value in adding an empty shop for you. Merging minigame rewards across multiple minigames may not be the best approach anyway. I'm afraid I've no info about player councils.
E 4 6
And still no autochat fix...
Some things are more readily fixable than others.
Garg Killa
Is this the falling of OSRS?
I've seen players say that things are the end of RS as far back as I can remember, even in 2004 when "RS2" came out - that was heralded as the end of RS too. Though I'm guessing you're referring here to the DDOS attacks. We've actually been in worse places than this for that problem, if you recall 2014-15, and since then we've got a lot more options available for dealing with them. I'm optimistic that the sysadmins will be able to block this too, in time.
23-Feb-2017 11:38:05
- Last edited on
23-Feb-2017 11:40:41
Mod Ash
Once we get rid of the weeds is there a way to get them back?
Yes, just go back to the tithe farm reward shop and toggle the option. It's a free toggle once you've paid for it the first time.
its saddam
How long till the servers are fixed any time soon? please answer
I did. See page 3 of this thread you're posting in.
Any reason why these threads no longer have the content posted on the forums and instead only a link is provided? It was useful for quoting the update on the forums.
Anger Alt
Any reason why these threads no longer have the content posted on the forums and instead only a link is provided?
Having two versions of the newspost with completely different formatting mark-up was adding extra time to our update preparations, for very little benefit. You're welcome to paste bits of the newspost into your posts if you want to refer to the text.
Hopefully the DDosing will stop soon so I can login. Btw Ash, will shift + click to drop be monitored to see how much of an impact has on XP rates?
Hopefully the DDosing will stop soon so I can login. Btw Ash, will shift + click to drop be monitored to see how much of an impact has on XP rates?
We hope that also. XP rates do tend to be monitored regardless.
Shift click drop is a great option that doesn't take away from the charm of the game at all. I just recently got back to RS after many years. I remember how painful it was to train some of the skills that required dropping everything from your inventory. Sure, there are mouse keys and what not, but these were major pain in the back and just unneeded additional hassle.
Someone will always claim that such changes kill runescape because they make it too easy, but these are of course overstatements. Then there are also always people who are against it because "doing it the regular way is faster" - but I suppose for these players the option to turn it off is there.
The only complaint I have is that it wasn't added back in 2005