How did you all come up with this decision? Because let me throw some knowledge at your for a second:
Melee weapons and their balls high hits:
-DDS (costs like 20k) ---> can hit 40-40 with 25% spec in high defense gear
-AGS (appropriately costs 32m or something) ---> can hit 50-60 no spec and like mid 80's with spec WITHOUT VOID and the accuracy is like my biceps - awesome.
-Tent Whip ---> hits 41s regular hit with super shit gear, poisons you, and that's not even 99 strength required to do that. You need d boots, b gloves, and zerker helm to hit that.
-Any Godsword (roughly 2-3m) ---> regular hit can be 50-60
-Granite Maul (costs? nothing) ---> can 1 hit you with the specs at any level, with any gear.
-Dharok ---> Can 1 hit you and is tanky
-Blessed Sara ---> accurate a'f, hits 40s and is fast
-Hasta ---> like really? just a whip with defensive stats
Okay that was fun. Let's examine range and mage weapons.
-Ballista ---> moderately accurate when coupled with void but then you have 0 defense bonus. Costs 2.9k per shot. Spec costs 65% of your energy.
-Armadyl Crossbow ---> not really much better than rune crossbow. Spec costs 40% and really isn't great. Would be something if spec increased accuracy tremendously too. No one uses as a KO weapon. Okay for DPS
-Dark Bow ---> Viable range ko weapon, but at 99 range and void, you're more likely to hit the minimum (8-8) than you are all other hits combined. Making it garbage at high levels.
-Dragonfire Bolts ---> Meet antifire.
-Blowpipe or Knives or Darts or Magic Shortbow ---> LOL what level 80+ koes someone with one of these specs or just regular hits? Pures, maybe...
-TSOTD ---> perfect. don't fuck with it please, Jagex.
-Barrage ---> hits hard and has decent accuracy. Accuracy could be buffed a little. But no KO potential really.
And that's it basically. Meleers have a plethora of KO options. Rangers and Magers just are support or brids to a melee KO.
02-Nov-2016 21:05:21