The biggest issue is people playing 12hours + Aday and clanning. People who actually have a life cant do anything about it.
Maybe cap levels at like 80 or something so everyone can compete or atleast try to. If u dont play alot u have no chance, that should be diffrent.
And remove barrows, lava drags, warrior guild?? ( CLans camp this place).
EVERYONE swaps, thats why people play, to make 07 money. Thats totally fine but swapping cc's make way to much free money of this. for instance they are buying SDMM for 8m and sell for 20m. THATS JUST BS
I dont have a clan, hell i only have 1 friend on rs who doesnt even play dmm. means im basically fked if i dont no life my stats.
20-Oct-2016 14:38:13