Good job, especially skull timer. But you are ignoring main issue. If you are in a clan you are invulnerable, there is no risk of dying, no exchange of wealth between players, clans just kill everyone, camp their skulls without any risk of dying then swap and repeat. Personally i would love dmm to be more fast-paced game where EVERYONE dies. I don't wanna see long bank fights where no one dies it's just damn boring. Make game risky for everyone.
No banking when in combat + 30s-1min immunity after the kill. Game would be full of short fast fights with almost guaranteed kills, casual players would have a fighting chance because anyone could be killed before clan or bunch of bald boxers rolls in, maybe clans would stop camping banks and fights would be the same anywhere on the map.
No trading idea this season showed that you are looking at this swapping/trading issue completely wrong way. You don't just ban it or say you can't do it, people will always find a way. If you wanna do something actually usefull about it. Add an npc to swap between games so that everyone would have an equal chance and opportunity to use it. Now people are getting scammed left and right because they have to trust trade random people if they want to keep up. Monitor it and present people with best possible product. Swapping and trading is main reason why most people join the game. I believe that's what you want isn't?
Remove xp loss when unskulled or at least add increased xp rate until you reach lvl u had before.
Make lava dragons single combat or block it for first few days.
And, come on, fix door glitching already it's just embarassing now.
19-Oct-2016 17:28:15