These rewards look very bad.If we compare them to rs3 rewards from strongest bosses it sounds even worse.These rewards needs to be TOTALLY revamped or else raids is going to be dead content just like the rest of zeah.
What can be done?
First of all the maul needs special attack.This is totally not oldschool with what you're trying to do with that no special thingy.
The wand?Remove the rune saving crap, and put a huge dmg boost for all ancient spells.
The robes need to be as strong as the armadyl set is for example and give them unique set effect effect like chance x% to evade first melee or range hit.
The prayers remove the defence requirement its not needed.Its a prayer not a defence skill.That venom prayer needs to be removed all together replace it with hitpoints restoration instead.
The dragon sword is meh i guess ok.
Axes are ok.
That's it.If you want this game to live longer better listen the majority.
I for one am voting no to all rewards execpt the sword and axes if they stay at this version.
16-Aug-2016 17:16:34
- Last edited on
16-Aug-2016 17:34:51