With regards to poison absorb, I think it would be more useful as a cure rather than what it is.
To give an example, if you have a poison that deals 6 damage, it consumes 6 Prayer points to cure it.
If you have Venom ticking 20, it uses 20 Prayer points to Cure the venom, and then when activated a second time, another 6 to cure the Poison.
This would not devalue Antipoisons/Antidotes much if at all, because the prayer does not grant Immunity, Its biggest use would be for questing.
In addition to this, a cure for Venom that doesn't require a huge Herblore level/Inventory slots would make people a lot more willing to fight someone with a Serpentine Helm in Deadman mode. It would be a needed nerf to Venom in deadman mode, actually.
The rest? Sounds pretty good. I'd love to see the Elder Maul have a lower attack level requirement though.
14-Jul-2016 13:53:37