"The elder wand requires level 75 Magic to equip."
Is this meant to be for melee? staff of the dead is a strong melee weapon but it has the requirement to wield it. No melee stat requirements? thats crazy for making a maul pure, (sounds really fun and crazy xp/hour) but u would be wearing a d scimmy at lvl 1 att/str.
Remove the attack, slash and melee strength. There is no reason this should be on a weapon that doesn't require levels, and i dislike staffs that require attack stats.
So you are bringing in a chatoci maul. I do not care for that idea. What about take the ideal of drygores instead? High accuracy but far lower max hit and still slow speed. That COULD make PvP stay mostly balanced, but would allow for raid/future bosses have insanely high and tanky stats, making this weapon the best for the toughest bosses.
New robe set with no def at all. Smart way to balance it. You basicly made a maxed out set that makes anyone that wears it into sorta a pure. All offense and no def. Cool to see, hope it gets support.
Dragon chain into a plate. Good, (PLEASE!!!) always upgrade old gear. Please do not replace gear. If one day u bring out higher armor, make it crafted from bandos/arma similar to the 3 best boot upgrades. Upgrades make the older content stay somewhat useful.
14-Jul-2016 12:04:40