I've always wanted to see some sort of adaptation upon the original spell book.
Taking the elemental spells, for instance, and making them AoE, the way burst/barrage is, but maybe making each one different.
Air could be a tornado,
Earth could be pillars of stone erupting from the ground,
Water could be a torrential geyser that shoots down from the sky,
Fire could be a flaming vortex.
The area of effect could increase with each level. The way there is strike, bolt, blast, and wave, maybe there would only be three, and it goes
1x1 square
2x2 squares
3x3 squares
Or even simply additions to the already-existing spells, just the new type beyond wave, so that the others are single target and at their final level are multi.
This creates the option of implementing new quests requiring new skills, new runes, new dynamics, all potentially affecting the economy in really interesting ways.
In the same spellbook, I've always wanted to see multi-pvp oriented magicks, like a spell that heals another player, say
low-level spell heals 10,
mid-level spell heals 15,
high-level spell heals 25
Enhanced curses, potentially multi-target ones as well, and counterpoints to each of them, to create a healthy dynamic of cursing and healing magic. I like the idea of spells that increase/decrease players accuracy. Or speed
Spells that increase energy recovery rates for short periods of time,
high level spells that give temporary boosts to multi targets in addition to pots and prayers.
Multi-elemental spells? Like lava, steam, smoke, dust magick? This would certainly increase the demand for otherwise overlooked combo runes. Maybe you keep the original elemental spells as they are, and add these as the AoE spells. And some could be damaging, there are also ways of making them supportive, as if a spell such as "summon mist" created an AoE cloud that healed players whenever they stood in it, or gave some sort of stat boost, etc.
Staff-specific spell books? Or classes of magicks.
01-May-2014 06:56:30