I like all the ideas except for the new skill... A game based on nostalgia would not prosper in adding new gameplay... This takes away the base to the game, most people who play this "myself included" do not feel it is necessary to add in drastic new gameplay. This was a game based on Runescape 07, it doesn't need features that are not even in its era.
This will not only get negative feedback, but will make a vast majority feel like what made them escape to 07... is in return happening to it again... As a veteran for 13 years, I do not think this is going to bode well with the community who actually have been playing since 07.
However, a suggestion would be to re-release summoning. As it was released in 2008, well around that era. Maybe even make the loadscreen the way it was when summoning was released? This is just a thought...
01-May-2014 02:13:09
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01-May-2014 02:15:43