I like these changes except the teleport thing, maybe make it 5 seconds for unskulled players instead.
Also I suggest adding more uses for blood money, it's fairly useless atm. I heard a great suggestion for a key ring which will let pkers store their pked bank keys on, which could be purchased with blood money. Perhaps a cost of 15 to 20 blood coins? Rune pouch would be great too, as normal spellbook is really underpowered since you have to take up at least 6 slots (without combination runes) for god spells and entangle, while barrage/blitz does the same thing but only takes 3 slots.
Maybe for the key not to be too op let it store up to 3 keys, and make it possible to purchase multiple key chains?
Perhaps even make the key chain tradable, so that there is some sort of profit to be gained from collecting blood money? Same with the rune pouch.
15-Apr-2016 19:12:10