As a dedicated deadman player, you're getting some of this completely wrong. You need to incentivize skulling , not make it even harder.
Let's start with positives:
GE is great as it will fix your problem with garbage items being in top 28, so the 10 slot thing is fine for new bank raids.
Change in experience loss, also fine.
6 hour Immunity, no problem, us dedicated players really don't care.
Here's where you need Help:
1. Teleporting for non-skulls: No. There's no reason for this. All this does is punish people more for engaging in skulling. There is already a huge portion of the population that refuses to skull. The game mode should not punish the people who are actually trying to make the pvp game mode a pvp game mode.... if that makes sense. I understand your frustration with the spell book situation, but the bottom line is ancients require extra effort to get and are pvp in nature.
2. Noted Food: I know you haven't announced your change yet, but let me tell you the radical yet necessary solution. Take out noted food completely. Eliminate the race to immunity that happens every single season. Take away the "first to 1k sharks and 100 pray pots wins" . Make everyone vulnerable, clans and individuals alike. This makes victory possible for anyone and everyone willing to go all out. Make it more about "who dies less" and not "who has died and who hasn't"
3. Tiered Experience multiplier - I like higher xp rates for lower leveled skills, but don't make it slower the higher you get. If you incentivize skulling and dying more, then people are already assuming the risk of losing extra experience when they level up. You don't need to slow down the ability to progress at higher levels as there is already a built in mechanism for slowing it down / making it more risky. Maybe have like 8x and tier down to 5x by 60ish. idk make it arbitrary but don't go below 5 or too high at the low levels.
Invitation Changes: All fine
15-Apr-2016 17:07:07